Nobody digs North Everett like we do.
In a soil replacement project that now dates back nearly 30 years, we’ve sampled soil in hundreds of yards. Where needed, we’ve done cleanups at more than half of the area’s 700 residences, in three parks and under East Marine View Drive. All this digging is nearing its final stretch.
The Everett Smelter Plume cleanup site includes areas where historic smokestack emissions settled to the ground.
Testing offered
There are 86 residential properties in this area that have not had soil testing. We’re inviting those home owners to take us up on our offer to do so. As warranted by test results, we offer to pull out the landscaping and top inches of soil and install new clean soil and replacement turf and plants. It’s all voluntary and there’s no charge to the homeowner.
People who live within the plume area and are awaiting cleanup should continue to practice healthy actions. These include washing hands with soap, leaving shoes at the door, regular floor and carpet cleaning, and frequent washing of children’s toys and pacifiers.
This year’s cleanups
We’re also planning for a soil cleanup at the American Legion Park Overlook. We’ve completed cleanups at American Legion and Wiggums Hollow parks as well as the Viola Oursler Overlook.
Other ways to sign up or get information
If you live or own property within the Everett Smelter Plume area, you can:
Call the Everett Smelter hotline at (425) 446-1024 to update your mailing address and receive information by mail.
Get information and forms from the Delta Neighborhood Association. The association regularly includes Everett Smelter Plume sampling and cleanup information in its meeting the third Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m. Check their website for online meeting information while social distancing practices are in effect.
If you do not know if your property has been sampled, check out our interactive Dirt Alert map. Type your address into the search box to learn more about the soil on your property.
And, dig this: The program is voluntary and free.