Wastewater Operator Certification Program

Wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) serve an essential function to protect public health and the environment, including Washington's rivers, lakes, streams, and Puget Sound. The certification of wastewater treatment plant operators helps make sure they are knowledgeable, and that WWTPs are properly operated and maintained.

Wastewater Operator Certification Program Fee Schedule

By law, we must fund the Wastewater Operator Certification (OpCert) Program with fees. These fees are subject to change, dependent upon a budget and workload analysis completed every biennium.

Based on the estimated administrative costs of the OpCert program and the projected account balance, we raised wastewater operator certification fees. The draft fee schedule, detailed below as required by WAC 173-230-240, begins on July 1, 2023.

Fee Schedule for Fiscal Years 2024 and 2025

Category Fiscal Year 2025
July 1, 2024 – June 30, 2025
Group I and Group I OIT Applications $75

Groups II - IV and
Groups II - IV OIT



Wastewater Operator Professional growth cycle and renewals

Operators commonly meet their professional growth by earning 3.0 continuing education units (CEUs) each professional growth cycle. Operators earn these CEUs by attending approved training courses. Operators must document their CEUs and submit it to the OpCert Program as they receive it. This ensures that they stay current on their requirements. Operators must meet their professional growth for the current cycle before renewing for 2025.

Drawing by James Davis

Wastewater Treatment Plant Awards

Plants are evaluated on individual permit conditions such as regularly meeting numeric effluent limits, for conducting monitoring, and for reporting data as required. We recognize these facilities through our award program. Many operators proudly display their award plaques to demonstrate their excellence and continued commitment to keeping Washington's lakes, rivers, and streams clean.