Ecology as SEPA lead agency

We conduct State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) reviews for some proposed rule amendments, programs, toxic cleanup actions, various minor projects, and a few major projects such as energy transportation and storage proposals.

Information provided during the SEPA review process helps agency decision-makers, applicants, and the public understand how a proposal will affect the environment.

We review proposals under SEPA on a case-by-case basis. If the scope of analysis appears different from one project to another, it is because the proposal itself raises issues that are different. SEPA review is influenced by the location and context of a specific proposal.

State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) notices for Ecology

To see the SEPA documents we have issued since 2000, view Ecology records on the SEPA Register. Records posted since October 2016 include SEPA documents as attachments.

SEPA help

For general assistance on SEPA policy and process questions email or call 360-407-6922.

SEPA Register

We have changed the process for submitting SEPA records and documents to the SEPA Register. Lead agencies no longer need to email them to Ecology. Instead, all records and documents can be loaded directly into the register via the SEPA Record Submittal (SRS) portal. Please note, Ecology staff will review and approve records before they will appear in the register.

Please see our SEPA Register page for details and instructions on how to submit information to the SRS portal.