Compost procurement ordinances

Some counties and cities in Washington must adopt a Compost Procurement Ordinance (CPO) and submit an annual report on their compost procurement activities as required by the Organics Management Laws. The information below covers the details on CPOs, like why they are necessary and contents of the report.

CPOs are a way to build compost markets as organics collection programs expand under the Organics Management Laws. As a whole, the laws aim to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by:

  • Diverting organic materials from the landfill to make compost.
  • Expanding compost markets.
  • Increase local compost production and use.

Compost procurement ordinances

Compost Procurement Ordinances (CPOs) are a tool for cities, towns, and counties to look for opportunities to buy compost products and use it in their projects. Compost has many possible uses in public projects, including:

  • Landscaping
  • Amending soil before and after construction
  • Preventing erosion
  • Filtering stormwater runoff and pollutants
  • Promoting plant growth
  • Improving stability and longevity of roadways

The following are required to adopt a CPO:

  • Cities and counties with a population of 25,000 residents or more.
  • Cities and counties (less than 25,000 residents) that provide, contract to provide, or require their UTC-franchised hauler to provide residential organics collection.

If required, cities and counties must adopt a CPO by Jan. 1, 2023. Upload your current CPO to the Box Portal. Within the Box website, there are examples of CPOs and other CPO resources.

If you have not adopted a CPO, consult the resources and examples in the Box website or reach out to us for assistance.

The following are not required to adopt a CPO but can adopt one voluntarily.

  • Cities and counties with less than 25,000 residents where residential organics collection is not provided or where the hauler provides residential organic collection service but is not required to by the city or county.
  • Cities with less than 25,000 residents where residential organics collection are provided by the UTC-franchised hauler(s) under a requirement set by the county.

Compost procurement reporting

Every city or county that adopts a CPO must complete an annual report with their previous years’ compost procurement activities. We are developing an online system to submit these reports. The reporting system should be ready by the end of 2024. The first CPO report is due March 31, 2025, and will include compost procurement in 2024. Reports are due annually on March 31 for the previous years’ data.

Each year, you will report:

  • Total tons of organic material diverted from landfills and collected:  
    • by all curbside programs you directly provide or contract with a hauler to provide.
    • at drop-off sites you operate or contract with a third-party to operate.
    • by residential curbside programs you require the UTC franchised hauler(s) to provide in your jurisdiction.Jurisdictions should use conversion formulas in Ecology’s General Measurement Standards and Reporting Guidelines (
  • The facility or facilities used for processing this organic material.
  • The volume and cost of compost purchased made directly by the city, county, or your contractors. (Only report compost products that were purchased, so if it wasn’t purchased, please do not report it.)
  • The source or sources of the compost purchased.
  • The volume and cost (without sales tax, nor transportation costs) of compost purchased throughout the report year, from each source. (If 100% compost was not purchased, jurisdictions should report the quantities and costs based on the percentage of the blended product that is compost.)

Cities and counties that enter into collective purchasing agreements should only report the volume and cost of the compost they purchased under those agreements for use by their jurisdictions.

Frequently asked questions