Rock Island SMP: periodic review
Final approval
On Nov. 17, 2023, we approved the City of Rock Island's Shoreline Master Progrm (SMP) periodic review amendment. The effective date of Rock Island's SMP is Dec. 1, 2023, 14 days after we provide notice to the city that their SMP was approved.
Documents related to approval
Note: All documents are PDF
- Ecology's Nov. 1, 2023 final approval letter
- Proposed SMP Changes
- Appendix H: Critical Areas
- Periodic Checklist
- Per RCW 90.58.190(2), an interested party may file an appeal with the Growth Management Hearings Board within 60 days of the publication date of our written notice of final action.
- We plan to publish the notice of final action in the Douglas County Empire Press legal ads on Nov 7, 2023.