Environmental & Cultural review process

Projects funded by a Water Quality Program grant or loan require a review for potential impacts to environmental or cultural resources. We must consider social, cultural, economic, and environmental impacts before financing projects that improve water quality. Federal, state, and local regulatory standards vary by project type, type of funding, and location. This webpage provides our information for projects that require a review for potential impacts. 

Environmental Review

Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) — Environmental Information Document (EID) and Guidance (2023) 

For information on the State Environmental Review Process (SERP) on the Clean Water State Revolving Fund, please read the Environmental Information Document Guidance for Clean Water State Revolving Fund. The revised SERP Environmental Information Document (EID) replaces the SERP coversheet.

The updates explain what Ecology needs to make an informed SERP determination on an agreement. This guidance replaces instructions in the Funding Guidelines.

Planning and phasing

Identify what the phase or step of your action is (Planning, Design, Design and Construct, or Construction). Ensure that your Environmental Review documentation (SEPA, NEPA, or TEPA) is consistent with this stage of your project planning. Please do not submit non-project phase documentation to fulfill your SERP construction phase requirements.

Download Environmental Review forms and guidance

Communicate with us early and often

Coordinate with the Environmental Review Coordinator and your project/facility manager on any potential mitigation necessary to ensure project success. This ensures we include the approved mitigation as a condition of the funding agreement, provided it supports moving the project forward.

If you have other questions about Environmental Review, please feel free to ask questions or set up a meeting. Please communicate early and often with us.

Update your documentation

Be sure to update your documentation if you move from a non-project environmental review (planning, design) to a project level environmental review (design-construct, construction). As you get your permits, use the permits to inform your SEPA/NEPA/TEPA review.

By following these steps, you will help your facility grant manager or stormwater project manager. If you have any questions, please contact Liz Ellis or the SEPA Center

List of State Environmental Review Process (SERP) Environmental Information Document (EID) determinations:

We review all SERP EIDs before financing a project. Our SERP EID determinations will be posted on this website. Please direct any comments or question about the projects listed, to Liz Ellis Environmental Review Coordinator, 360 628-4410.

Funding Guidelines: SEPA, Cultural Resources Review, Public Outreach, and HEAL Act

The Funding Guidelines have guidance on cultural resources review, public outreach, State Environmental Policy Act requirements, and HEAL Act requirements. Consult with the Funding Guidelines to stay up to date on any changes or additional information.

Cultural Resources Review and Discovery Protocol

Cultural Resources Review and Consultation

If Ecology is funding all or a portion of a project, first ensure you verify the lead agency.

  1. Is there a federal nexus?
  2. Are there two agencies, both funding the project?
  3. Does one of them fund a majority of the project, or have another federal nexus (land ownership, permit)?
  4. Does one of the agencies own or manage land within the Area of Potential Effect (APE)?
  5. Is there a workload issue? 

Please work through these points to help determine the lead agency before assuming Ecology will be the lead for the review.

If Ecology is the lead agency, please complete the Cultural Resources Review Form and submit to your Ecology Project Manager or Cultural Resources contact. If you do not know who that is, submit it to Liz Ellis the Environmental Review Coordinator, at liz.ellis@ecy.wa.gov

Do not upload any Cultural Resources forms, reports, or surveys to EAGL

Inadvertent Discovery Plan (IDP)

For all projects involving ground disturbing activities, an IDP is required in the event of an unanticipated discovery of human remains, and/or historic or prehistoric resources. An IDP is non-discretionary; it is part of the Agency Grant and Loan Terms Conditions. Your IDP is required on-site, separated from other documents. The IDP must be uploaded to our Ecology Administration of Grants and Loans (EAGL) system and a copy provided to your Ecology Project Manager.

You must upload the IDP to EAGL. 

Learn more about Ecology's Cultural Resources Review Process

If you need assistance, reach out to your team:

  • Environmental Review Coordinator for the CWSRF, Emergency CWSRF, EC, OSG, Federal 319 nonpoint, and other federally funded agreements:
    Liz Ellis, 360-628-4410
  • Cultural Review for federal NEP agreements:Michelle Myers, 564-628-4067
  • Cultural Review for state funded stormwater program projects (Statewide):
    Melissa Conger, 360 706-4202
  • Cultural Review for onsite sewage systems projects, state-funding Centennial and nonpoint projects (statewide): Tamara Cowles, 564-669-3005

View project requirements and resources by project type