On-site sewage system projects

Our on-site sewage system funding allows local partners to provide grants and loans for repairing and replacing private systems, such as fixing a failed septic system. Failing systems threaten water quality and public health.

Training for new recipients

We provide recipent training annually by webinars, that are typically held in July. See below for the most current information (dates/times of current trainings or presentations of previous trainings). We recommend recipients attend their project type training and any Environmental and Cultural Resources traning necessary. 

Register for Nonpoint Source/OSS Activity Projects: July 17, 2024, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.

  • Morning Session (9 am - 12 pm)
    • Grant Agreement Development and Negotiation
    • BMP Approval Process
    • Budget and Eligible Expenses
  • Afternoon Session (1 pm - 3 pm)
    • Working in EAGL
    • Payment Request / Progress Reports (PRPRs) & required backup documentation.
    • Mapping and Metrics Reporting
    • Agreement Amendments and Close Out

Register for Environmental Review for Loan Agreements: July 18, 2024, 10 a.m. - 11 a.m.

Register for Cultural Resources Review for All Projects: July 18, 2024, 1 p.m. - 3 p.m.

Previous presentations

Other materials

Funding for local loan programs

On-site sewage systems — such as septic systems — are an excellent way to treat residential or small business wastewater in areas where a sewer system is not available. Failing on-site sewage systems (OSS) threaten Washington’s drinking water supply, which primarily comes from groundwater. They also hurt Washington’s multi-million dollar shellfish industry, which anchors the economies of many rural communities.

A failing OSS can be expensive to repair or replace. In Western Washington, a new conventional system can cost $15,000 or more; the cost for an alternative system can be a lot more. Since many of the soils in this part of the state require the use of alternative systems, property owners can find themselves facing a bill they may not be able to afford.

Local programs are here to help

We provide funds to local partners to set up programs to help homeowners repair or replace failing OSS. These programs help property owners secure financing for fixing a failing OSS who may otherwise be unable to qualify for traditional financing.

The Water Quality Combined Funding program provides funding for this work. Funding comes from the Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) and the Centennial Clean Water Fund. In addition to funding OSS repair and replacement, this program can also support rebate programs for ongoing maintenance of septic systems, homeowner workshops, and development of local management plans. 

The On-Site Sewage Regional Loan Program (available statewide)

The OSS Regional Loan Program (RLP) provides financing for the repair and replacement of OSS through Craft3, a non-profit third-party lender. The RLP is a partnership between Ecology, Department of Health, local counties and health departments, and Craft3.

Craft3 offers affordable Clean Water Loans to help property owners repair or replace their failing septic systems and — if approved by the county — to connect to municipal sewer systems.

Loan features include:

  • Financing the full cost of designing, permitting, installing, and maintaining your septic system
  • Competitive interest rates and no up-front costs
  • Highly inclusive for a range of incomes and property types (including commercial and non-owner occupied)
  • Deferred payment options may be available for homeowners with lower income
  • A $2,000 reserve to support the system’s ongoing health

For more information, or to apply for a loan, contact:


*Craft3 is an equal opportunity lender, provider, and employer. Not all applicants will qualify. Craft3 NMLS ID#390159

Local loan programs for individuals with failing Onsite Sewage Systems

While the OSS Regional Loan Program is an option for homeowners across the state, Ecology is supporting a handful of other programs that can help homeowners in certain areas.

Clallam County

The Clallam Conservation District provides funds to low-income homeowners for OSS repair and replacements in high-priority areas throughout the county.

Contact: Jennifer Bond
Conservation Planner 
360-775-3747 ext. 2

Clark County

The Clark Conservation District and its partners provide limited support to homeowners for repairs or rebates for septic system maintenance with a focus on the East Fork Lewis River and Lacamas Creek watersheds.

Contact: Carolyn Rice
Community Conservation Lead

Pierce County 

Pierce County and its partners provide limited support to low-income homeowners for septic system repairs across the county.

Contact: Barbara Ann Smolko
Senior Planner

Snohomish County

Snohomish County provides support to low-income homeowners for septic system repairs and system maintenance across the county, with a focus on the Stillaguamish and Snohomish watersheds.

Contact: Andrea Pellham
Environmental Health Supervisor

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