Wood stove education and enforcement grants

These grants are given to local clean air agencies and Ecology regional offices (if there's no local clean air agency) for projects that support wood stove education and enforcement.

Wood smoke is one of the main sources of air pollution in Washington. Wood stoves, fireplaces, and other wood-burning devices put out hundreds of times more air pollution than other sources of heat, such as natural gas or electricity.  RCW 70A.15.3620 created a wood stove education program to raise awareness about health effects of wood smoke and how to reduce it.

Funding cycle

  • Amount of funding available: $310,332
  • Grant award limit: Distribution based on various criteria as required by RCW 70A.15.3620
  • Amount of matching funds required: None

Applications are not being accepted at this time.

Applications are accepted early summer of each biennium, if funding is available. We contact eligible local clean air agencies about how to apply.

Funding is available for the following entities:

Education about:

  • Effects of wood smoke on health and air quality
  • How to operate a wood stove for better efficiency and less air pollution
  • Certified wood stoves
  • Replacing an uncertified wood stove
  • When wood stoves can and cannot be used (i.e., obey burn bans)

More information about this funding program

These grants are funded by the Wood Stove Education and Enforcement Account, which is supported by a $30 fee on each wood burning device sold in Washington.