Tackling Toxics

Ecology staff works with businesses to reduce the use of toxic chemicals, prevent pollution, increase energy efficiency, and explain waste management best practices, providing individually-tailored technical services across the state.
Ecology staff works with businesses to reduce the use of toxic chemicals, prevent pollution, increase energy efficiency, and explain waste management best practices, providing individually-tailored technical services across the state.

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12 results.

Ecology helps Richland medical center save money and reduce hazardous waste

Ecology helps Richland medical center save money and reduce hazardous waste.

2024 pollution prevention interns revolutionize practical sustainability

The Washington Applied Sustainability Internship (WASI) program offers collaborative partnerships between academic institutions, government agencies, and industry.

Washington businesses benefit from free, grant-funded Pollution Prevention internships

The Washington Applied Sustainability Internship (WASI) program places summer interns at businesses to help with pollution prevention (P2) projects. Apply now to host an intern for summer 2024. 

Washington aerospace business earns EPA Region 10 2023 Pollution Prevention Recognition Award

Innovative alternatives to toxic chemicals protect employees, budgets, and the environment.

Food processor saves production cost with Ecology pollution prevention grant

Ecology's toxics reduction experts are working with the J.M. Smucker Company to evaluate cleaning systems at one of Smucker’s leading fruit processing facilities in Grandview, Wash.

Tackling Toxics: Ecology helps business save costs and reduce power use with air leak audit

Ecology air leak audits help businesses save money and reduce energy use.

Tackling Toxics: Aerospace company boosts production while reducing environmental impact
Production Plating Industries, an aerospace product finishing company in Mukilteo, redesigned the floorplan in their plating area to increase production and enhance their customer base.
Tackling Toxics: Romac Industries reworks production line to reduce dangerous waste
Romac Industries surface-finishes stainless steel parts. Unfortunately, this process generates about 32 tons of waste annually. That’s when they called Ecology’s Lean/Green program.
Tackling Toxics: A lasting tribute to a pollution prevention champion
Facilities are often interested in eliminating toxics — but employee buy-in is a critical requirement. That’s where Dr. Wolf and her team at PPRC come in.
Tackling Toxics: Aerospace Company transitions to safer vapor degreasing
The Pollution Prevention Resource Center collaborated with Ecology to help Valence Surface Technologies (also known as MAPSCO) to stop using a toxic chemical in their vapor degreasing operation.

Showing 1 - 10 of 12 results.