Water resources

We manage the state's water supply to meet the needs of people and the natural environment, in partnership with Washington communities. Water availability is increasingly limited in Washington.
We manage the state's water supply to meet the needs of people and the natural environment, in partnership with Washington communities. Water availability is increasingly limited in Washington.

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105 results.

River and stream health in Northeastern Washington

Our Watershed Health field crews will be out in six counties in Northeast Washington collecting samples from rivers and streams through October for the first time since 2012.

Eyes Over Puget Sound; Sunny, warm, and colorful

Late summer 2017 brings warm air temperatures and drier conditions throughout Puget Sound. Streamflows in the region's northern rivers are lower than rivers in South Puget Sound.

Adjudication in the Nooksack Basin
In 2019, the Legislature asked us to identify areas that were our highest priorities for future adjudications. We identified the Nooksack as one of those.
Earth… pass it on: Ecology’s joint project with the creator of The Twilight Zone
For many of us who sat glued to our black and white television sets for a half hour once a week in the early 1960s, the voice is immediately recognizable
Drought Watch: Saving crops in Skagit County
Skagit Valley farmers who produce much of our nation's vegetable seed supply got a needed shot in the arm thanks to their local public utility district.
La Niña winter final roundup

Continued cold, snowy weather during late winter brought the good news we needed for this summer’s water supply

How bad is the drought?
All but a smidgen of Washington state is in a "severe" drought and more than 31 percent of our state is in an "extreme" drought.
Floating the Yakima River with a purpose

Warm water is becoming all too common in the summer months. So much so, that we have teams floating the river to document refuges of cooler water.

Watching the water

The water supply forecast continues to deteriorate across the state on both sides of the Cascade Range, and drought is being felt particularly on the Olympic Peninsula.

After 40 years, Acquavella adjudication is coming to close

The upcoming May 9, 2019, "‘water day" in Yakima County Superior Court is one we’ve been working toward for more than 40 years.