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58 results.
Why is this drought so wet?
Higher than normal snowpack and one of the wettest springs in recent memory may lead to questions about the current drought declaration. We have answers.
Water conservation, storage & climate change in the Yakima River Basin
Changing climate patterns are prompting water managers to look at conservation and storage in new ways to use every drop wisely in the Yakima River Basin.
The drought declared in 2021 is ongoing
The 2021 drought declaration expires in June, but may be extended. There are some resources available for those who are affected.
It’s dust storm season
Dust storms can occur in Central and Eastern Washington every spring through fall. Here are some quick tips to help keep you safe.
Washington water outlook
Early March is when water supply managers start getting clarity on water supply conditions for the coming summer across the state.
2020-21: The water year of surprises
The 2020-21 water year started out wet with a good snowpack and is ending extremely dry with drought conditions, breaking records for dryness over the past 127 years.
Eye on (Water) Supply
Update on Ecology's “pass-through” grants to state agencies as part of our drought relief efforts.
Water conservation activities for kids
Water conservation activities for kids
Actividades de conservación de agua para niños
Su familia entera puede aprender sobre la conservación de agua juntos. El internet tiene una riqueza de materiales de aprendizaje gratis para niños de todas las edades.
Eye on (Water) Supply
Eye on Supply: An explanation of how we can talk about drought during a rainstorm.