Data Visualization

Data visualization is the interpretation of information in the form of graphs, charts, diagrams and interactive displays. These visualizations provide insights for data-informed decision making, allowing for improved accuracy and making data easier for audiences to understand.
Data visualization is the interpretation of information in the form of graphs, charts, diagrams and interactive displays. These visualizations provide insights for data-informed decision making, allowing for improved accuracy and making data easier for audiences to understand.

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194 results.

Addressing Walla Walla's water woes
Climate change and over-allocation have taken a toll on water supplies in the Walla Walla basin. Multiple agencies are working to find water supply solutions in the area.
Dam scary words for un-scary dam conditions
Terms like "high hazard" and "poor condition" might sound a little scary when talking about dams. Here's what the terms really mean.
Frequently Asked Questions about our Water Banking Grants Pilot Program
Answers to Frequently Asked Questions about our Water Banking Grants Pilot Program
Eye on (Water) Supply
Eye on Supply: An explanation of how we can talk about drought during a rainstorm.
Actividades de conservación de agua para niños
Su familia entera puede aprender sobre la conservación de agua juntos. El internet tiene una riqueza de materiales de aprendizaje gratis para niños de todas las edades.
Get ready, it's haboob season
What's a haboob, you ask? It's a dust storm. They can occur in Central and Eastern Washington every spring through fall. Read these safety tips to protect your health.
Washington’s future is parched
Warmer conditions in Washington mean increased risk of drought, no surprise there. What might be surprising is how much our changing climate has already impacted water supplies in Washington.
Snowpack at zero percent of normal; record lows for stream flows
Statewide, the average snowpack is zero percent of normal. That's right, you read that correctly, zero.
Rain barrels: I took the do-it-yourself challenge
You can find rain barrels for sale at garden supply centers, hardware stores and building supply chains, or you can order them online.
Watch your step: there’s not always solid ground beneath you
It's nice to be outside in this lovely fall weather, unless the ground gives out from under you and you find yourself looking up at those blue skies from the bottom of an abandoned water well.