Data Visualization

Data visualization is the interpretation of information in the form of graphs, charts, diagrams and interactive displays. These visualizations provide insights for data-informed decision making, allowing for improved accuracy and making data easier for audiences to understand.
Data visualization is the interpretation of information in the form of graphs, charts, diagrams and interactive displays. These visualizations provide insights for data-informed decision making, allowing for improved accuracy and making data easier for audiences to understand.

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Turning on the pumps

Last week, the Bertrand Watershed Improvement District turned on pumps that will put more water into the creek during the late summer/early fall low-flow season.

Looking upriver: What's next for the Walla Walla watershed?

In October, stakeholders from Washington and Oregon will refocus and build on the Walla Walla Watershed Management Partnership to create a long-term water strategy.

Help reduce food waste by giving us your best ideas
We are working on a plan to reduce food waste in Washington by 50%, and we would like your help. The public has until May 29 to provide ideas on how to prevent food waste.
Get prepared now for dust storms
Central and Eastern Washington should take these steps to prepare for dust storms every spring through fall.
Cleaning up: North Everett yard make-overs still available
Soil cleanup continues this year in the Everett Smelter Plume site, located in of the city’s north end. We encourage homeowners who have not joined the process to sign up for free soil sampling.
Ecology launches new air quality monitoring site to prepare for smoke season
Our new air quality monitoring site promises to be faster, easier to use and more informative.
Bi-state partnership boosts understanding of Walla Walla River basin
Ecology is working with Oregon Water Resources and USGS on a comprehensive study of groundwater in the Walla Walla River Basin. This solid science will help inform future policy in the region.
Marine spatial plan adopted to protect our coastal resources

The state worked closely with numerous partners to develop the marine spatial plan which contains policies to protect sensitive ecological areas and fisheries.

Eyes Over Puget Sound: River flows above normal

Cooler and wetter conditions set the stage for a favorable supply of freshwater in June 2017.

2020-21: The water year of surprises
The 2020-21 water year started out wet with a good snowpack and is ending extremely dry with drought conditions, breaking records for dryness over the past 127 years.