Northwest Region

Ecology has four regional offices. The Northwest region includes Island, King, Kitsap, San Juan, Skagit, Snohomish and Whatcom counties.
Ecology has four regional offices. The Northwest region includes Island, King, Kitsap, San Juan, Skagit, Snohomish and Whatcom counties.

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131 results.

El que pronto no será tan “swift” Swift Creek
El Departamento de Ecología del Estado de Washington y el Departamento de Obras Públicas del Condado de Whatcom están colaborando en el proyecto de control de inundaciones y manejo de sedimentos.
Northwest Regional Office moving to Shoreline
Our Northwest Regional Office is moving across Lake Washington on May 26, 2021, relocating from Bellevue to Shoreline.
Oil spill cleanup success hinges on quick response, right equipment
Ecology Spills Program equipment grants open period
Cleaning up: An update to the Landsburg Mine site cleanup plan
We're proposing changes to the cleanup plan for the Landsburg Mine site to enable response, if needed, if monitoring detects 1,4 dioxane above action levels.
Cleaning up: Boeing Auburn feasibility study
The Boeing Auburn cleanup site includes a large off-property area. Cleanup strategies studied include speeding up a natural cleanup process. Comment on that study!
$500,000 to help beat back the recycling crisis
Ecology’s Recycling Development Center has awarded $504,073 to 10 local governments and one university to help develop and grow markets for recycled materials.
Ecology secures $3.6 million to restore and preserve vital coastal wetlands

We've secured nearly $3.6 million in federal grants to protect 725 acres of coastal wetlands in Skagit, Snohomish, Thurston & Whatcom counties.

Comment on cruise ship agreement amendments
Seeking comments on proposed amendments to Washington's cruise ship environmental agreement.
How an oil spill can lead to salmon habitat
Grants are available for environmental enhancement and restoration work. Apply now!
Cleaning up: Fieldwork on Bellingham's busy working waterfront
Contamination testing at Bellingham's central waterfront will set the stage for final cleanup plans.