Our Northwest Regional Office team is excited to join our colleages at the Washington Department of Transportation's Northwest Regional Headquarters at 15700 Dayton Ave. N. in Shoreline.
Our Northwest Regional Office is moving on May 26, 2021!
Our Northwest Region serves Island, Kitsap, King, San Juan, Skagit, Snohomish, and Whatcom counties. These seven counties account for nearly half the state’s population, regulated facilities, and cleanup sites. It’s one of our four regions.
Five new things to know, starting May 26
Nearing completion, the lobby reception area will feature a distinctive style and guide visitors to Ecology or Department of Transportation offices.
Main phone number: 206-594-0000. Our reception team staffs this number from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. each day we’re open. At night, and on weekends and holidays, this number rings to the Department of Emergency Management for reporting oil spills and other environmental emergencies.
Other office phone numbers: Our online directory will list the new desk numbers for individual staff members. All old Bellevue office numbers will forward to Shoreline until August 2021.
Mail address:PO Box 330316, Shoreline WA 98133-9716
Physical address: 15700 Dayton Ave N, Shoreline, WA
Fax number: 206-366-7810
Four things that won’t change
The annex, center, will store field equipment for litter cleanup, spill response, air and water monitoring and other environmental work.
Email addresses
Cell phone numbers
Our Bellingham Field Office is not part of this moving picture, and is staying put. It’s where we base much of our work in the region’s northern counties.
Please note, as with all Ecology offices, our new location is currently closed to walk-in traffic due to the COVID pandemic for the safety of our customers and employees.
Nine Ecology programs work in the Northwest Region
Our environmental programs — all but Nuclear Waste, with its own office near the Hanford Nuclear Reservation — base staff in regional offices to more readily bring Ecology’s programs and services to local communities. Headquarters has our back with central services that let regional teams focus on putting boots on the ground. A quick rundown:
This portable air monitoring station can support temporary projects like reporting smoke episode pollution levels.
Hazardous Waste and Toxics Reduction: Regulates toxic chemicals in products and promotes the use of safer alternatives, helps businesses reduce toxic chemical use or waste, inspects and helps facilities and communities safely manage and reduce the risks of dangerous waste, and oversees contamination cleanups of major industrial sites.
Ecology and Transportation have long worked together to keep litter off state highways!
oversees the state’s Shoreline Management Act and clean water act protections for shorelines and wetlands; assists local governments with floodplain planning and restoration;reviews permit applications for shoreline activities under the clean water act, Shoreline Management Act and Coastal Zone Management Act; oversees Washington Conservation Corps activities; issues grants to local governments, tribes and non-profit organizations to restore and protect shorelines and wetlands.
Solid Waste Management:Supports local solid waste programs through grant support and technical assistance, oversees regional Ecology Youth Corps litter crews, and oversees the cleanup process for solid waste landfill closures.
The Shoreline facility will house spill response trucks and boats.
Works with tribes and stakeholders to reduce risks and prevent oil spills, to adequately plan and prepare for spills, and to mount a rapid, aggressive, and well-coordinated response when spills and other hazardous material emergencies occur. Oversees spill contingency planning and preparation for major oil-handling facilities and large vessels.
Toxics Cleanup: Oversees the cleanup of contaminated sites, investigates new reports of contamination, issues matching grants to local governments for cleanups on public lands; issues public participation grants to enable community groups to monitor cleanup projects; oversees and inspects underground storage tank installations to prevent leaks and spills.
Water Quality:Writes and administers water quality permits, and conducts compliance assurance activities for a wide range of facilities and discharges, including wastewater treatment plants, industrial facilities, and stormwater runoff;
Sometimes colorful, always interesting, water qualtity monitoring and special studies can take regional staff far afield.
develops cleanup plans for water bodies with pollution problems; and administers grants and loans for projects and programs that improve water quality.
Water Resources: Oversees the management of water resources for instream and out-of-stream purposes, including processing applications for new water rights and modifications to existing water rights, ensuring compliance with state water law, regulating well construction, leading watershed-based planning efforts, and monitoring water supply conditions.
We’re proud to serve the people and environment in this part of the state, and hope we can welcome you soon at our Shoreline office!
In other Northwest Region languages...
華盛頓州生態管理署於五月份將其西北地區辦事處遷至 Shoreline 市.
從2021年5月26日開始,華盛頓州生態管理署華西北地區辦事處將搬遷至華盛頓州Shoreline市 15700 Dayton Ave N., Shoreline, WA 98133.
5月26日, 我們的24小時接待專線將變為 206-594-0000, 郵寄地址將變為 PO Box 330316, Shoreline, WA 98133-9716.
生態管理署的西北地區辦事處為 Island, Kitsap, King, San Juan, Skagit, Snohomish and Whatcom 縣提供服務.
와싱턴주 환경부는 서북부 지역 사무실을 오는 5월에 쇼어라인으로 이전합니다.
2021년 오월 26일자로 와싱턴주 환경부 서북부지역 사무실의 변경 주소는 15700 Dayton Ave N., Shoreline, WA 98133.
2021년 오월 26일자로 24시간 가동하는 업무 전화는 206-594-0000 그리고 변경된 우편주소는 PO Box 330316, Shoreline, WA 98133-9716.
와싱턴주 환경부 서북부 지역 사무실은 다음과 같은 카운티를 관할 담당합니다: Island, Kitsap, King, San Juan, Skagit, Snohomish 그리고 Whatcom counties.
В мае Департамент экологии штата Вашингтон (Washington State Department of Ecology) переместит свой Северо-западный региональный офис в Шорлайн
С 26 мая 2021 года Северо-западный региональный офис Департамента экологии штата Вашингтон будет размешаться по адресу 15700 Dayton Ave N., Shoreline, WA 98133.
С 26 мая наша круглосуточная приемная линия будет доступна по номеру 206-594-0000, а новый почтовый адрес будет: PO Box 330316, Shoreline, WA 98133-9716.
Северо-западный региональный офис Департамента экологии обслуживает округа Island, Kitsap, King, San Juan, Skagit, Snohomish и Whatcom.
El Departamento de Ecología del Estado de Washington está mudando su Oficina Regional del Noroeste a Shoreline en mayo.
Comenzando el 26 de mayo del 2021, la Oficina Regional del Noroeste del Departamento de Ecología del Estado de Washington se relocalizará al 15700 Dayton Ave N., Shoreline, WA 98133.
El 26 de mayo, nuestra nueva línea telefónica de recepción de 24 horas será el 206-594-0000 y nuestra dirección postal nueva será el PO Box 330316, Shoreline, WA 98133-9716.
La Oficina Regional del Noroeste de Ecología sirve a los condados de Island, Kitsap, King, San Juan, Skagit, Snohomish, y Whatcom.
У травні Департамент екології штата Вашингтон (Washington State Department of Ecology) переносить свій Північно-західний регіональний офіс до Шорлайну
Із 26 травня 2021 року Північно-західний регіональний офіс Департаменту екології штата Вашингтон розташовуватиметься за адресою 15700 Dayton Ave N., Shoreline, WA 98133.
Із 26 травня наша цілодобова приймальна лінія буде за номером 206-594-0000, а нова поштова адреса буде: PO Box 330316, Shoreline, WA 98133-9716.
Північно-західний регіональний офіс Департаменту екології обслуговує округи Island, Kitsap, King, San Juan, Skagit, Snohomish і Whatcom.
Bộ Môi Sinh của Tiểu Bang Washington sẽ dời Văn Phòng Khu Vực Tây Bắc đến Shoreline vào tháng 5
Bắt đầu từ ngày 26 tháng 5 năm 2021, văn phòng Khu Vực Tây Bắc của Bộ Môi Sinh Bang Washington sẽ được dời đến địa điểm 15700 Dayton Ave N., Shoreline, WA 98133.
Vào ngày 26 tháng 5, đường dây tiếp tân 24 giờ của chúng tôi sẽ là 206-594-0000 và địa chỉ gửi thư sẽ là PO Box 330316, Shoreline, WA 98133-9716.
Văn Phòng Khu Vực Tây Bắc của Ecology phục vụ các quận Island, Kitsap, King, San Juan, Skagit, Snohomish và Whatcom.