Water resources

We manage the state's water supply to meet the needs of people and the natural environment, in partnership with Washington communities. Water availability is increasingly limited in Washington.
We manage the state's water supply to meet the needs of people and the natural environment, in partnership with Washington communities. Water availability is increasingly limited in Washington.

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105 results.

Washington’s water supply outlook
Snowpack is up and streamflows are down. The cold and dry conditions of early spring had some surprising impacts on Washington’s water supply outlook, but warm weather is on the way.
Water permit decisions further protect the Spokane River

We used the instream flow rule to help further protect the Spokane River. 

Watching the water supply update

70 percent of the state is abnormally dry, according to the U.S. Drought Monitor.

Uncertain times won't stop progress in the Walla Walla basin
Interest groups are coming together - via videoconference - to plan a long-term water strategy for the Walla Walla River Basin.
What a difference a year makes
“All in all, water conditions are looking pretty good around the state,” said Jeff Marti, Ecology’s water resources planner
Questions about Nooksack adjudication?
Ecology will host the first in a series of live online events to answer questions about adjudication.
Why is this drought so wet?
Higher than normal snowpack and one of the wettest springs in recent memory may lead to questions about the current drought declaration. We have answers.
Walla Walla Water 2050 enters Phase Two
Both sides of the WA and OR border who call the Walla Walla watershed home are embarking on a new phase to bolster water supplies, now and in years to come.
Washington water outlook
Early March is when water supply managers start getting clarity on water supply conditions for the coming summer across the state.
Water Law 101: Episode 1
Once a month, hydrogeologist Mike Gallagher explains Washington water law. This month he explains water rights.