Aquatic Mosquito Control General Permit

We issue this permit to allow the discharge of insecticides into state waters to control mosquitoes. It is a combined National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) and State Waste Discharge General Permit.

The current permit went into effect July 5, 2019, and expires July 4, 2024.

Español: Para obtener más información, comuníquese con Shawn Ultican al 360-870-3492.

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Permit reissuance

We are pleased to announce that the draft Aquatic Mosquito Control General Permit is available for public comment. We invite comments on the draft permit documents beginning Nov. 15, 2023 until 11:59 p.m., Dec. 29, 2023. After the close of the comment period, we will publish a Response to Comments as an appendix to the fact sheet to address comments submitted during the public comment period.

Mosquito sitting on a leaf

We are in the process of permit reissuance

We invited comments on the draft general permit documents from Nov. 15, 2023, until Dec. 29, 2023. We also held online workshops and public hearings. During the workshops in December, we explained the proposed changes to the permit and answered questions. The hearings began immediately following the public workshops.

Public hearing presentation slides

Draft permit documents

Current permit documents

Permit coverage information

Mosquito control resources