Regulations & Permits
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We oversee many state and federal laws designed to protect Washington's land, air, and water. See our laws, rules, & rulemaking page for more information about our current rules and rulemaking.
Bonneville Power Administration TSD permit (PDF)
A permit issued in 2011 allowing the Bonneville Power Administration to treat, store and dispose of dangerous waste.
Licensed Tire Handlers
A list of Washington businesses licensed to store and/or transport waste tires.
This is a PDF table showing details of bags that are allowed and bags that are banned in Washington.
PCBs in building materials
Learn which building materials could contain PCBs.
Certificate of compliance 2023
Manufacturers that produce food packaging sold in Washington must fill out a Certificate of Compliance to show they meet the PFAS in food packaging rules
2020 Dangerous Waste Regulations
Washington State's Dangerous Waste regulations, Chapter 173-303
Rulemaking Announcement (WAC 173-305) 09/14/22
This is a rulemaking announcement (CR-101) for WAC 173-305 Hazardous Waste Planning Fee
Guidance on enforcement of lead, cadmium, and phthalate limits
Guidance on enforcement of lead, cadmium, and phthalate limits for the Children's Safe Product Act
Biosolids Storage Construction Approval - North Ranch
Ecology final approval letter for construction of biosolids storage facility.
Big Hanaford treatment variance
Hazardous waste treatment variance at Fire Mountain Farm's Big Hanaford site
Burnt Ridge treatment variance
Hazardous waste treatment variance at Fire Mountain Farm's Burnt Ridge site
Newaukum Prairie treatment variance
Hazardous waste treatment variance at Fire Mountain Farm's Newaukum Prairie site
Monthly dangerous waste generation limits
Quantity exclusion limits (QEL) to determine monthly dangerous waste generator category
Emerald Kalama and Fire Mountain Farms Hazardous Waste Petitions Fact Sheet
Decision to approve hazardous waste delisting and treatment variance petitions
Adopted rule language (WAC 173-337) 05/31/23
This is adopted rule language for WAC 173-337 Safer Products Restrictions and Reporting
Pollution Prevention Planning Hazardous Substances List
Refer to this chemical list when doing your pollution prevention plan. Updated on May 19, 2017.
PCB pathways in building materials
Text version of PCB pathways in building materials.
WSR 22-19-037
This is the CR-101 rescinded notice for WAC 173-305.
Rulemaking Announcement (WAC 173-305) 11/22/23
This is a rulemaking announcement (CR-101) for WAC 173-305 Hazardous Waste Planning Fee
Certificate of compliance: PFAS in food packaging 2024
This is the certificate of compliance for food packaging manufacturers for items regulated as of May 2024.
55 results
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