Make a payment
We accept various payment types, depending on the delivery method, location, and the payment reason. We accept online electronic payments only for certain fee types and only when noted on the invoice.
You might need Ecology's Taxpayer ID Number (TIN) to make your payment.
Where to send your payment
Please send your check or money order payment to the address listed on the payment request document (such as invoice, notice of penalty, permit application, or other). If available, include the invoice stub/remittance, advice/invoice number with your payment to ensure proper posting to your account.
If you don't have a payment request document, you can send your payment to us, depending on the payment and delivery methods we accept. Not all methods are available for all payment request documents.
Contact information
For payment questions, contact the person listed on the payment request document. If none are listed, contact the cashier at 360-407-7095 or email