Oct. 24 UPDATE: We have decided to extend the public comment period for the Chehalis Basin Strategy environmental review after receiving five requests for an extension. The new closing date for the public comment period is Nov. 14, 2016.
The Chehalis River Basin is at a turning point. In recent years, the basin has experienced extreme and frequent flooding, and it may experience larger floods more often in the future. Habitat for aquatic species is significantly degraded and, if action is not taken, is expected to decline further.
With a new environmental report out for public review, now is the time to get involved and engage on potential ways to restore aquatic habitat and reduce flood damage throughout the Chehalis River Basin in southwest Washington.
Draft study ready for review
As part of a community effort to restore the basin and put it on a path to recovery, we have completed a draft environmental report, officially called a programmatic Environmental Impact Statement.
Our review evaluates four basin-wide options that were developed and submitted to Ecology by the community to address flood damage and aquatic species habitat. We've evaluated the impacts, both positive and negative, to people and the environment. Now we need your input.
Send us your feedback
We’ve worked hard to give these invested stakeholders a fair assessment of how different solutions will affect their community’s environmental planning. Now that we've completed the assessment and analysis of four basin-wide options, we're making the draft environmental report available for public review.
Learn more, attend hearings and submit comments now through Nov. 14
Comments will be accepted through Nov. 14, 2016. There are many ways for you to send us your input on the study. Submit your comments online or by mail at:
Chehalis Basin Strategy EIS
c/o Anchor QEA
720 Olive Way, Suite 1900
Seattle, WA 98101
You may also comment in person at the upcoming public hearings:
Tuesday, Oct. 18
Veterans Memorial Museum
100 S.W. Veterans Way
Chehalis, WA 98532
Thursday, Oct. 27
Montesano City Hall
112 N. Main Street
Montesano, WA 98563
For both meetings, there will be an open house at 6:00 p.m. followed by a presentation at 6:30 p.m. and public hearing at 7:00 p.m.
All comments received during the public comment period will be addressed in the final programmatic Environmental Impact Statement, planned in 2017.
SEPA: Washington's environmental protection law
The State Environmental Policy Act (often called SEPA) gives a formal process to identify and assess possible environmental effects of a proposal before deciding how to proceed.