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Cosmopolis Attachment A: Finding and Conclusions
This document Ecology�s formal description of the local SMP update process and conclusions regarding consistency with state laws and rules.
Cosmopolis Attachment B: Required Changes
This document presents changes to the SMP required to comply with state laws and rules.
Cosmopolis Attachment C: Recommended Changes
This document presents changes recommended to clarify the SMP.
Cosmopolis Conditional Approval Letter
Ecology�s letter notifying the local jurisdiction there are changes needed before Ecology can approve the SMP update
Cosmopolis Cumulative Impacts and Analysis and No Net Loss Report
An analysis of the cumulative impacts that may be expected to occur over time as the comprehensively updated SMP is implemented and No Net Loss report ddresses whether the SMP achieves no net loss of shoreline ecological functions.
Cosmopolis Final Approval Letter
Ecology�s letter notifying the local jurisdiction that Ecology has taken final action and the SMP update is approved
Cosmopolis Inventory and Characterization Report
This report characterizes shoreline conditions and provides a basis for revising SMP goals, policies, and regulations.
Cosmopolis Letter Accepting Changes
Letter from Cosmopolis accepting all Required an Recommended Changes
Cosmopolis Locally Adopted SMP
A Shoreline Master Program adopted by a city or county but not yet formally approved by Ecology
Cosmopolis Public Participation Plan
Document that describes how the local jurisdiction will keep the public involved in the SMP update process
Cosmopolis Resolution 2016-05
Official actions of elected officials that they intend to adopt an SMP after Ecology approval
Cosmopolis Restoration Plan
This plan describes opportunities to restore ecological functions.
Cosmopolis Shoreline Designation Maps
Shoreline Environment Designation maps, which are overlays on local zoning
Concrete Approved SMP October 2013
Shoreline Master Program that has been adopted by the local jurisdiction and Approved by Ecology
Contact Information for State Approved SMP
This document direct's people on how to receive a copy of this jurisdiction's SMP
Coulee City Approved SMP March 2013
Shoreline Master Program that has been adopted by the local jurisdiction and Approved by Ecology
Coupeville Approved SMP February 2011
Shoreline Master Program that has been adopted by the local jurisdiction and Approved by Ecology
Covington Approved SMP September 2011
Shoreline Master Program that has been adopted by the local jurisdiction and Approved by Ecology
Darrington Approved SMP January 2007
Shoreline Master Program that has been adopted by the local jurisdiction and Approved by Ecology
Dayton Approved SMP May 2017
Shoreline Master Program that has been adopted by the local jurisdiction and Approved by Ecology
1706 results
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