1-800-RECYCLE web searches 2016 – 2018
This spreadsheet lists the number of searches of Ecology's recycling service public database (1-800-RECYCLE) from 2016 to 2018. This search data is broken down by category.
Composted materials by facility
This spreadsheet lists Washington's compost facilities and the types of materials they process.
Cap-and-Invest Linkage Survey Questions
This is a pdf of a survey being distributed by Ecology to get public input on linking Washington's carbon market with markets in other jurisdictions
2023 PPG Awards
This is a list of the awardees of the 2023 Public Participation Grants, including award amount.
2023 Statewide Litter Summary
This is a summary of litter pick up statistics in Washington for 2023.
2023 Southwest litter data
This is a summary of litter pick up statistics in Washington's Southwest Region, for 2023.
2023 Northwest litter data
This is a summary of litter pick up statistics in Washington's Northwest Region, for 2023.
2023 Eastern litter data
This is a summary of litter pick up statistics in Washington's Eastern Region, for 2023.
2023 Central litter data
This is a summary of litter pick up statistics in Washington's Central Region, for 2023.
Disposal by County 1994-2021
This spreadsheet lists solid waste disposal data by Washington counties from 1994 to 2021
Alt chart-Biosolids quality and use 2022
This spreadsheet is an alternative version of a chart representing Washington's biosolids management.
Alt chart-Biosolids quality and use 2022
This spreadsheet is an alternative version of a chart representing Washington's biosolids management.