Testing for chemicals in consumer products

We purchase products and test them to check that manufacturers are complying with state and federal laws such as Washington’s Children’s Safe Products Act. We also conduct testing on unregulated products to collect more information about chemicals consumers are exposed to.

Regulating everyday sources of toxicity

Many of the products we use every day release low doses of toxic chemicals. These chemicals can accumulate over time and have harmful effects on people and the environment. Washington is a leader in regulating these everyday sources of toxics, including heavy metals in children’s products, copper in brakes, and chemicals in packaging.

gloved hands hold pliers and jewelry

Product testing staff take samples from a bracelet to test for cadmium and other chemicals.


If testing indicates that a product contains a chemical restricted under state law, we will contact the manufacturer and work to bring them into compliance. If products contain chemicals regulated under federal law, we refer test results to the Consumer Product Safety Commission.

Product testing reports and data

Product testing database

While our Product Testing Data database can't tell you which individual products are or are not safe, these data help us enforce current chemical regulations and know where to focus future efforts toward reducing and eliminating toxic chemicals

It is important to note that the presence of a chemical in a product doesn't necessarily mean that the product is harmful to human health or that the manufacturer violated safety standards or laws. We follow the highest standards of quality assurance

Our reports

Our product-testing reports and project plans explain, in detail, the work done by Product Testing Unit scientists in our Environmental Assessment Program.