Puget Sound

Puget Sound, the nation’s second largest marine estuary, faces a number of challenges related to population growth and development, habitat loss, and pollution. We work with local and tribal governments, state and federal agencies, non-profits, and private sector partners to protect and restore the Sound.
Puget Sound, the nation’s second largest marine estuary, faces a number of challenges related to population growth and development, habitat loss, and pollution. We work with local and tribal governments, state and federal agencies, non-profits, and private sector partners to protect and restore the Sound.

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188 results.

Size matters — What can we learn from biomass and size classification?
We're studying benthic invertebrate biomass (critter size) for the first time on a large scale in Puget Sound.
Ecology researchers study climate effects on Puget Sound food web

Unusual phytoplankton blooms caused by warm ocean water give scientists a glimpse into the future of marine life, from shellfish to whales.

My heart will go on: the humble heart cockle lives long and prospers
The heart cockle is a bivalve named for its heart-shaped profile. They are the largest cockles on the west coast, reaching almost 6 inches in length.
Eyes Over Puget Sound: A look at 2016 in photos

Learn about how the global climate affects water quality, see the impacts warmer waters had on Puget Sound, and compare photos from flights throughout 2016.

King Tides: A glimpse into tomorrow, a photo challenge today

Information to provide your photos of King Tides along Washington's shorelines.

New Online Map: Dirt Alert

This month we launched our new Dirt Alert Map. This online map focuses on the Tacoma Smelter Plume and  covers other areas in the state where arsenic- and lead-related soil contamination may exist.

May the ‘stache be with you – celebrate Movember with the shovelhead worm
This month, let’s pay homage to the most fan-stache-tic of facial adornments (and be mindful of Movember’s mission) with Puget Sound’s mustachioed mud-dweller: the shovelhead worm.
Additional $10 million for stormwater projects
We determined that there is an additional $10 million available to fund 22 more stormwater projects across the state.
Our scientists contribute to “global biodiversity library”
Last week I was in sunny Los Angeles for the third and final west coast invertebrate “bioblitz” of the summer — the LA Urban Ocean Expedition (LAUOE).
Explore your sweet (or bitter) side this Valentine’s Day with the western bittersweet
This Valentines day, celebrate our most complicated emotions and learn more about the western bittersweet.