
We are responsible for monitoring water supply and drought conditions and taking action when drought conditions exist or are anticipated.
We are responsible for monitoring water supply and drought conditions and taking action when drought conditions exist or are anticipated.

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51 results.

Washington’s future is parched
Warmer conditions in Washington mean increased risk of drought, no surprise there. What might be surprising is how much our changing climate has already impacted water supplies in Washington.
Snowpack at zero percent of normal; record lows for stream flows
Statewide, the average snowpack is zero percent of normal. That's right, you read that correctly, zero.
Rain barrels: I took the do-it-yourself challenge
You can find rain barrels for sale at garden supply centers, hardware stores and building supply chains, or you can order them online.
Get prepared now for dust storms
Central and Eastern Washington should take these steps to prepare for dust storms every spring through fall.
Bi-state partnership boosts understanding of Walla Walla River basin
Ecology is working with Oregon Water Resources and USGS on a comprehensive study of groundwater in the Walla Walla River Basin. This solid science will help inform future policy in the region.
2020-21: The water year of surprises
The 2020-21 water year started out wet with a good snowpack and is ending extremely dry with drought conditions, breaking records for dryness over the past 127 years.
It’s dust storm season

Dust storms can occur in Central and Eastern Washington every spring through fall. Here are some quick tips to help keep you safe.

Washington’s water supply outlook
As we come out of winter and into spring, water supply conditions appear normal for most of the state.
Eye on (Water) Supply
Update on Ecology's “pass-through” grants to state agencies as part of our drought relief efforts.
Water conservation activities for kids
Why not make learning about water conservation enjoyable, for you and your family? The web has a wealth of free learning materials for kids of all ages.

Showing 11 - 20 of 51 results.