Water resources

We manage the state's water supply to meet the needs of people and the natural environment, in partnership with Washington communities. Water availability is increasingly limited in Washington.
We manage the state's water supply to meet the needs of people and the natural environment, in partnership with Washington communities. Water availability is increasingly limited in Washington.

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105 results.

Irrigation association honors Columbia River office director

Tom Tebb, director of Ecology's Office of Columbia River, received special recognition during the Washington State Water Resources Association (WSWRA) annual conference.

Wood Fiesta: Improving floodplains in Yakima watershed

Dubbed the "Wood Fiesta," large wood is being helicoptered into remote and rugged terrain and placed in streams and floodplains to help improve habitat for native fish species.

Competitive streamflow grants projects
Thurston County collaborated with residents to create an innovative project using our competitive streamflow grants
Continuing the conversation for the Walla Walla Water 2050 initiative
The upcoming USGS Groundwater Study workshop will provide an overview of the study, the current state of the study and next steps.
Addressing Walla Walla's water woes
Climate change and over-allocation have taken a toll on water supplies in the Walla Walla basin. Multiple agencies are working to find water supply solutions in the area.
Dam scary words for un-scary dam conditions
Terms like "high hazard" and "poor condition" might sound a little scary when talking about dams. Here's what the terms really mean.
Frequently Asked Questions about our Water Banking Grants Pilot Program
Answers to Frequently Asked Questions about our Water Banking Grants Pilot Program
Eye on (Water) Supply
Eye on Supply: An explanation of how we can talk about drought during a rainstorm.
Actividades de conservación de agua para niños
Su familia entera puede aprender sobre la conservación de agua juntos. El internet tiene una riqueza de materiales de aprendizaje gratis para niños de todas las edades.
Washington’s future is parched
Warmer conditions in Washington mean increased risk of drought, no surprise there. What might be surprising is how much our changing climate has already impacted water supplies in Washington.