
PFAS “forever chemicals” are regulated under state’s environmental cleanup law
Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, or PFAS, have become a serious public health concern. Ecology now requires contaminated sites be cleaned up under MTCA.
Reopening our offices to the public
All Ecology offices are open to the public by appointment. Online health screenings and masks are required, regardless of vaccination status.
North Beach County Park is now open for water recreation, Jefferson County
Jefferson County Public Health lifted a no-contact advisory at North Beach County Park.
Fecal Matters: A No-Contact Advisory Issued for North Beach County Park, Jefferson County
Jefferson County Public Health issued a no-contact advisory at North Beach County Park due to an intermittent leak of treated sewage at North Beach.
Let’s Talk About Hanford critters
Get some insight into the habitat and wildlife at the Hanford Site in our fifth Let's Talk About Hanford conversation.
Tackling Toxics: Aerospace Company transitions to safer vapor degreasing
The Pollution Prevention Resource Center collaborated with Ecology to help Valence Surface Technologies (also known as MAPSCO) to stop using a toxic chemical in their vapor degreasing operation.
These worms are boring! ... into oyster shells, that is
Shell-boring worms make their homes in mollusc shells. These parasites are sometimes called mud blister worms, because the burrows that they create inside the shells fill with mud and detritus.
Help us improve aquatic habitat in the Chehalis River basin
Webinars will guide participants who want to sponsor aquatic habitat restoration projects in the Chehalis River basin.
There's a new sign for a healthier Puget Sound
Free signs are available to help protect Puget Sound.
2020-21: The water year of surprises
The 2020-21 water year started out wet with a good snowpack and is ending extremely dry with drought conditions, breaking records for dryness over the past 127 years.

Showing 341 - 350 of 964 results.