
VIDEO: Finding solutions for the Chehalis basin

Ecology is currently taking comments on our environmental review of solutions proposed for the Chehalis Basin.

Sound-to-table? The sweet potato sea cucumber is a produce impersonator
With its smooth, plump body, this month’s critter bears a resemblance to items you might find in a grocery store. Meet Molpadia intermedia, the Sweet Potato Sea Cucumber.
Review our report on options to help the Chehalis River Basin

As part of a community effort to restore the basin and put it on a path to recovery, we have completed a report for your review and input.

Tacoma Smelter Plume: 2016 Yard Program Construction Update

September marks the fast approaching arrival of fall, and a halfway point for this season’s Yard Program work in the Tacoma Smelter Plume. 

Affordable Clean Water Loans are a lifeline when your septic system fails
There are about a million privately-owned and operated septic systems across Washington and many are at risk of failing due to old age.
At Hanford, the alphabet soup is a real stew
As the newbie communication manager for Ecology's Nuclear Waste Program, I've been swimming upstream in an alphabet torrent.
Pea crabs, the ultimate unwelcome houseguests
Pea crabs are very tiny. They can be found inside oysters, marine worms, or — especially in the Pacific Northwest —in ghost shrimp burrows.
Ecology Youth Corps get it done!
Ecology Youth Corps across Washington wrapped up their season this week after picking up more than a million pounds of litter.
Water quality declining in Whatcom County – but work is underway
Water contaminated with fecal coliform can make people sick. It's a serious public health issue. It also threatens an important shellfish industry
Cleaning Up: Welcome to ‘the Neighborhood’ – Part 2

Last week, we shared the new What's In My Neighborhood mapping tool that allows users to search for polluted properties across Washington. We received a variety of responses via Facebook.

Showing 851 - 860 of 964 results.