Emerging stormwater treatment technologies (TAPE)
Stormwater treatment technologies are reviewed and certified by the Washington state Technology Assessment Protocol - Ecology — better known as the TAPE program.
2024 Update to TAPE Guidance Documents
Between versions: What changed and what stayed the same?
This is a general list of some of the major changes between the previous 2018 version of the TAPE guidance and the current 2024 version. Please note this list is not exhaustive.
- Added the Post GULD Maintenance Assessment for Basic Treatment Devices
- Updated the minimum events required for a PULD and CULD
- Added requirement for samples representing different peak flow rates (defined as percent of the design flow)
- Increased number of PSD samples and added additional data analysis for sites with coarse influent PSD
- Added Effluent Flow Capacity requirement specifying maintenance be completed if system bypasses at 80% of the design flow
- Changed holding time for dissolved parameters from 12-hours to 24-hours.
- Specified the use of effluent (treated) flow rate when performing Pollutant Removal as a Function of Flow Rate analysis
- Removed option of using laboratory testing to supplement field monitoring
Stayed the same
- Definition of qualifying storms
- Required and screening pollutants
- Influent concentration range
- Performance goals
- Sampling methodology
- QA/QC requirements
- Use Level Designations
Pre-Approved Technology Evaluation Facilities
The below pre‐approved facilities have adequate pollutant concentrations and flows that enable manufacturers to use as a monitoring site. Using these facilities will reduce the overall cost of monitoring a device and allows smaller companies to participate in the TAPE program. These sites have experienced, on‐site monitoring staff to perform the sampling and analysis activities that also make the evaluation more efficient.
University of New Hampshire Stormwater Center
Durham, NH
James Houle, CPSWQ
Stormwater Technology Testing Center
Portland, OR
John Lenth
Evaluating new technologies
We review engineering reports on the performance of new technologies and provide our use-level designations in the approved technologies table.
Board of External Reviewers (BER)
To help us with evaluations, a paid Board of External Reviewers (BER) provides national expertise in stormwater treatment technologies. The BER acts in a direct review capacity to provide us recommendations about each new technology and how well it performs.
Each application to TAPE and C-TAPE will be assigned a minimum of three members from the BER to provide detailed review and comment on the applications, Quality Assurance Project Plans (QAPPs), and Technical Evaluation Reports (TERs).
Performance goals
We evaluate several types of permanent stormwater treatment systems for specific sampling criteria, site and technology information, quality assurance and quality control measures, target pollutants, and evaluation report content.
These types of treatments are intended to achieve:
Use Level Designations (ULDs)
General Use Level Designation (GULD): Technologies whose evaluation report demonstrates confidently it can achieve Ecology's performance goals
GULD technologies may be used in Washington and are subject to Use Level Designation conditions. We will only accept written comments on technologies that have received GULD.
Conditional Use Level Designation (CULD): Technologies that show high likelihood of meeting performance goals.
CULD allows continued use of the technology for a specified preiod of time. The vendor and/or developer must conduct field testing during the permitted time for most CULD technologies. These technologies are considered likely to attain a General Use Level.
Units that are in place do not have to be removed after the specified time period. Use is subject to the Use Level Designation conditions.
Pilot Use Level Designation (PULD): Promising technologies that need more verification testing
PULD allows limited use of the technology to allow field testing to be conducted. PULD technologies may be installed provided that the vendor and/or developer agree to conduct field testing based on the TAPE at all installations. See the PULD notice of intent form for more information on PULD technologies.
Approved technologies
The following table lists the devices that have received a designation through the TAPE process.
In addition to our certification, local jurisdiction approval is required (and not guaranteed) for installation of treatment technologies we have evaluated and given a use designation.
Note: We have changed the term in the table from Enhanced Treatment to Metals Treatment. The only change is in the terminology and all the requirements are still in effect for Metals Treatment BMPs. The underlying treatment requirements remain in place and all devices that previously had a GULD for Enhanced Treatment now have a GULD for Metals Treatment.
This table walks viewers through an excel spreadsheet of all the contact information for the approved stormwater technologies certified through the TAPE program.
Functionally equivalent technologies
We have approved the following technologies as functionally equivalent to best management practives (BMPs) included in our stormwater management manuals. These technologies did not pass through TAPE.
Contact information
Douglas C. Howie, P.E.
Senior stormwater engineer