Clean Fuel Standard data & reports

We post Clean Fuel Standard data and reports to keep people informed. We will continue to update information over the life of the program.

Carbon intensity data

Monthly and quarterly reports

  • Monthly credit trading activity report — This report contains the volume of credits traded and the average credit price each month. We will post the most recent monthly report after the previous month's transactions.
  • Quarterly data summary — This report provides an overview of the volumes and types of fuels participating in the program. It also includes the number of deficits and credits generated by fuels, based on quarterly data submitted by registered parties. Past reports are available in our data and reports library

Annual reports

  • Fuel supply forecast — We and the Washington Department of Commerce are directed to develop "a periodic fuel supply forecast to project the availability of fuels to Washington necessary for compliance with clean fuels program requirements” (RCW 70A.535.100). Commerce contracted with Berkeley Research Group to perform the 2022 forecast (released Sept. 30, 2022).
  • Electric utility reports — Utilities will report to us about their activities spending credit revenue generated by the program.

Annual estimated costs and cost-savings of the Clean Fuel Standard

WAC 173-424-710(5) requires the Department of Ecology to estimate the total greenhouse gas emissions reductions and the average cost or cost savings per gallon of gasoline or diesel attributable to the Clean Fuel Standard each year.

Estimates are available in the ‘Annual Cost Estimates’ section of our Data & Reports library.

Other reports