Pollution prevention assistance (PPA)

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2025-2027 PPA applications open until Feb. 18

We are accepting Pollution Prevention Assistance Partnership Applications between Jan. 6 and Feb. 18, 2025 for jurisdictions that wish to be considered for partnership. Partners provide outreach and technical assistance to businesses. Please send completed applications or any questions to Andrew Maher at andy.maher@ecy.wa.gov.

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We partner with local city and county organizations to provide pollution prevention assistance (PPA) to businesses and organizations in their community.

PPA specialists offer free, hands-on assistance specifically to businesses that qualify as small quantity generators (SQGs)PPA specialists can help small businesses stay on top of regulatory changes, protect employee health, and stop pollution at its source.

How can PPA help your small business?

Click the video to learn how PPA can help your small Washington business or watch our Pollution Prevention video playlist on YouTube.

PPA specialists can help you:

  • Apply pollution prevention (P2) best practices.
  • Review your spill prevention practices.
  • Provide best management practices for stormwater protection.
  • Explain the dangerous waste regulations that apply to your business.

Video translations

Our PPA video is also available in the following languages:

Contact a PPA specialist in your area

How did the program begin?

In 2007, the Legislature directed us to establish the Local Source Control Partnership (now called Pollution Prevention Assistance), a small business technical assistance program designed to prevent pollution and improve the state’s water quality. 

Each biennium, we enter into interagency agreements with local governments near critical waterways, such as the Puget Sound, Columbia River, Spokane River, and others. Participating jurisdictions then assign PPA specialists to assist small businesses in reducing pollution.

Read our biennium reports to see which jurisdictions participated, the types of businesses served, and the overall successes of the program:

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