Washington State Brownfields Conference

The 2019 Washington State Brownfields Conference was held at the Doubletree by Hilton Spokane City Center in Spokane, May 29 – 30. This event was coordinated in partnership with the Northwest Environmental Business Council and funded in part by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

Cleaning up and redeveloping brownfields is key to local economic development efforts, turning perceived problems into community assets, such as affordable housing. The goal of this conference was to bring together public and private sector stakeholders and tribes in Washington and the Inland Northwest to share information on brownfields redevelopment successes and future opportunities. 

Looking for conference documents?

Please visit our Brownfields Conference EZview page where you may view and download the following documents: 

  • Conference program
  • Spokane brownfields bus and walking tour guides
  • Session presentations

Thank you to our sponsors