PFAS in West Plains private wells

We are working with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Washington Department of Health, Spokane Regional Health District, Eastern Washington University, and the West Plains Water Coalition on per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) contamination in groundwater in the northeast West Plains near Spokane. 

In March and June 2024, the EPA sampled 411 private wells in the eligible sampling area, and 236 wells, or 57%, had PFAS above safe drinking water standards. We are providing bottled water to these homes upon request.

We invite you to share your results with us, even if PFAS wasn't detected in your water. The results will help us better understand where PFAS came from and where it is going in the West Plains. The EPA will not share your drinking water results with us to protect your personally identifiable information (your name, address, and phone number) under the Privacy Act.

Share your results to receive no-cost bottled water and help our investigation

five gallon water bottle

Ecology invites you to share your results with us, even if PFAS wasn’t detected in your water. The results will help us better understand where PFAS came from and where it is going in the West Plains.

Sharing your results is completely voluntary. Data you provide to Ecology may be subject to public records requests and disclosure

How to request bottled water

If your results show PFAS concentrations above safe drinking water standards, Ecology will provide no-cost bottled water to ensure you have safe drinking and cooking water. The bottled water will be delivered twice a month.

When you submit your sample results to Ecology, please include the necessary information to set up your bottled water delivery:

  • How many people live in the household
  • Contact person
  • Phone number
  • Delivery address

The Washington Department of Health is working on providing point-of-use filtration (POU) systems to replace bottled water. Bottled water and POU filters can help until investigation and cleanup of PFAS sources provide more permanent solutions, such as whole-house treatment systems paid for by the party responsible for the contamination.

Summary of the March and June 2024 PFAS sampling results

Sample results Number of locations Percent of locations
Wells that don't have PFAS 111 27%
Wells with PFAS below drinking water standards 64 16%
Wells with PFAS above drinking water standards 236 57%
Total 411 100%


See "Geographic summary" below for a text description of this results map.

The EPA created this map to summarize where samples were taken without showing private well locations. The boxes on the map are Public Land Survey System quarter-sections. The pie charts show the percentage of sampled wells within an area where PFAS was over drinking water standards, and by how much. The size of the circle indicates how many wells in that area were sampled. The smallest circle is one well; the largest is 40.

How to interpret your results

How it looks* What it means
0.0 A black box with white text means that samples were ABOVE the drinking water standard. You should use an alternate source for drinking and cooking water or use a filter certified to remove PFAS
0.0 A bolded number means that the PFAS compound was found in the sample, but it is below the drinking water standard (if one has been set).
0.0 U The U next to a number means that is the lowest level the analysis can measure accurately and the test didn't find the PFAS compound (non-detect). 

*Numeric values (0.0) are examples. Cell formatting and "U" are how to interpret your results.

How long do results last?

A sampling event is a snapshot in time. Because contamination and groundwater are constantly moving, we cannot know future levels at any location based on one sample.

We are working toward identifying sources so that any parties responsible for contamination can monitor groundwater regularly and provide whole-house water treatment systems as needed. The area-wide groundwater study with the City of Medical Lake will help us understand how groundwater and contamination are moving by taking samples from the same 30 locations four times a year.

March and June results from 411 private wells

Thank you to everyone who participated in the sampling events in March and June.

We held an in-person meeting with the EPA on May 21 and an online, recorded meeting on June 6 to help people understand their sampling results.