Washington Coastal Zone Management program announcements
There are a number of opportunities for interested parties to provide feedback and help shape the activities of the Washington Coastal Zone Management Program. We encourage public participation, coordination, and collaboration to better manage coastal areas.
Draft 2026-2030 Program Enhancement Strategy
The Washington Coastal Zone Management Program is currently developing its 2026-2030 Program Enhancement Assessment and Strategy. We published a draft Program Enhancement Strategy on February 3rd, 2025. However, based on new guidance received on February 14th, the Washington Coastal Zone Management Program has taken down the draft strategy and is currently revising it to ensure alignment with the updated guidance. Once the revisions have been made, we will republish the draft strategy and restart the 30-day comment period.
More information about the Program Enhancement Assessment and Strategy, including the link to the draft for review and the public comment form, can be found on our program enhancement webpage.
Coastal Zone Management Email List
Subscribers to this list will receive information related to Washington’s federally-approved Coastal Zone Management (CZM) Program. This includes notices and requests for comments on federal consistency reviews, program changes, Section 309 program enhancement strategies, and Section 312 federal evaluations of our state program. Subscribers will also receive periodic updates on CZM program activities.
Program changes
States with Coastal Zone Management Programs are required to maintain and update programs to carry out any changes to the federal Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972.
To learn more about the State's Coastal Zone Management Program changes, see a list of our pending and recently approved changes on our Program & policies page.
Changes to the state enforceable policies
States with Coastal Zone Management Programs, such as Washington, must submit updates to their enforceable policies to the federal National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Coastal Zone Management Program changes can include minor, non-substantial changes as well as significant changes to a program's structure, management, or rules. Most changes to Washington’s Coastal Zone Management Program have been minor, non-substantial updates.
We've submitted changes to our Coastal Zone Management Program since 1986 and continue to make changes as laws and regulations are amended. As we submit program changes, we issue public notices and provide information to interested parties.
- There are no announcements at this time.
Federal consistency
The federal Coastal Zone Management Act authorizes states with approved Coastal Zone Management Programs to review the following actions:
Federal agency activities, including issuance of federal funding that may affect the state’s coastal uses or resources.
Activities and projects that require a federal permit.
The state reviews these federal actions to determine if they are consistent with the enforceable policies of Washington’s Coastal Zone Management Program. The federal consistency review process enhances coordination and cooperation between the state, federal agencies, and applicants for federal licenses and permits.
The state review process for these federal actions is known as federal consistency and serves as a powerful tool to manage coastal activities and resources, and enables coordination and cooperation with federal agencies.
We and the federal agency issuing a permit or license often issue joint public notices. In other instances, we may issue a separate public notice for a project proposal. Each notice includes a public comment period during which the public, local and tribal governments, state and federal agencies, and other interested parties can submit comments on a draft project.
Comments can be submitted by mail or email and will be made part of the official record.
- See Coastal Zone Management Federal Consistency decisions
- Provide comments on public notice for a proposed Coastal Zone Management action
Program evaluation
We periodically conduct performance evaluations of Washington’s Coastal Zone Management Program and undertake strategic planning to develop improvement strategies. A critical component to this process is participation and feedback from the various interests and partners in Washington.
The Coastal Program is currently working with NOAA's Office for Coastal Management to hold the next performance evaluation for the Washington Coastal Zone Management Program. Additional details are forthcoming.
Contact information
Henry Bell