Got your court claim form? Here's what to do next
We have identified you as a landowner in Water Resources Inventory Area (WRIA) 1 who is within the area of a recorded water right or outside a public water system service area. If you use water directly from surface or groundwater in WRIA 1, you need to file a court claim form, even for small uses like single homes on wells.
Filing a court claim form is your responsibility as a landowner and it’s the only way to protect your right to legally use water.
What’s in the envelope
The 9”x12” packet contains over 30 pages of essential documents. Inside, you’ll find a cover sheet with translation information, a summons, instructions, court claim form, and a court information sheet. Go to our webpage to view the contents of the adjudication packet online.
If you need additional paper forms or a new packet:
- Get a fillable or downloadable form
- Contact us for instructions to pick up your packet from the Bellingham Field Office or other Ecology office.
If you need help understanding this information, we provide free translation and interpretation services, as well as Braille and ASL for people with disabilities. To request these services, call 360-255-4406.
Take the first steps – Review the instructions and gather your information
As part of the adjudication process, you will be asked to describe your past and current water use. The instructions provide a step-by-step guide on how to fill out the court claim form.
- Be sure to find your personalized six-digit adjudication identification number on the cover sheet above your name and address.
- Jot down the names of everyone who owns the property where water is used – they will all need to sign the court claim form.
- Set aside some time: It may take you anywhere from 30 minutes to two hours or more to complete the filing process.
Learn more:
- Watch this video: How to file a court claim form.
- Estimate your water with Whatcom County Public Works water use calculators.
- Check out the WRIA 1 map tool to find out if you have a water right document on file with Ecology. You can also watch a video to learn how to use the map tool.
- Get your well report by going to Ecology's Well Report Viewer. If your well is recorded, the report has important information to help submit the claim form including well depth and tag number.
- Find out when your home was first built and get your property parcel number with the well.
- In Whatcom County, this may also be called the Geo ID number or "Geo Parcel Number." This number is 16 (sixteen) digits and can be found here: Whatcom County Assessor Records or Whatcom County Tax Parcel Viewer.
- In Skagit County, this number starting with a letter P is 5 (five) or 6 (six) digits and can be found here: Skagit County Assessor Records.
- Know if water was used on the property before the house was first built. If so, you can learn more by looking at historical photos on the Whatcom Conservation District’s website: Historical Aerial Photos of Whatcom County.
You have one year to file, but why wait?
You have until May 1, 2026 – more than a year – to file your claim form. But why wait? We encourage you to file as soon as you can. Check the date on your summons so you know when your claim form is due.
Ways to file
You will file your court claim form in Whatcom County Superior Court regardless of the county of water use.
Online filing – This form is best filed online using Whatcom County Superior Court’s Guide and File system (Site is currently down - check back soon). It’s user-friendly and has the feel of Turbo Tax. If you need an internet connection or access to a computer, we recommend that you visit a Whatcom County Library System Branch. With online filing you can:
- Create an account and submit your form electronically, or
- Download the completed form and submit a paper copy using the instructions below.
To file a paper copy, hand-deliver a signed original court claim form to:
Whatcom County Superior Court
311 Grand Avenue, Suite 301
Bellingham, WA 98225
eFile – If you are an attorney or a legal representative, you will follow different procedures to file on behalf of your client. Follow the instructions on the Whatcom County Superior Court website.
Reach out to us:
- If you cannot hand-deliver your court claim form and need to mail it.
Keep in mind:
- Paper claim forms must be submitted single-sided or will not be accepted by the court.
- If you didn’t sign for your adjudication documents by certified mail or in-person at Ecology, you will be officially served by having your name published in the local newspaper.
- The Court and Ecology will maintain copies of all claims filed, but you may keep a copy for your personal records.
There’s a $25 filing fee
- If you’re filing online, you will pay by credit card or e-check. The fee is $25 for filing plus a $1 service fee.
- If you are paying in person, you can pay by cash, cashier’s check, money order, credit card or debit card. Personal checks are not accepted.
- If you are paying by mail, you can pay by cashier’s check or money order. You will also need to include adequate postage, or your form will be returned to you. Personal checks are not accepted.
If you cannot pay the fee, you may apply for a fee waiver in person at the Whatcom County Superior Court.
Whatcom County Superior Court
311 Grand Avenue, Suite 301
Bellingham, WA 98225
Learn more:
- Find out what’s new by reading through this website. We have presentations and public meetings planned for the coming months.
- Subscribe to our monthly e-newsletter, Let's Talk About Adjudication and check out past issues
- Check out Whatcom County’s website and attend their informational sessions and workshops.
- Visit a Whatcom County Library System Branch (WCLS). We are working closely with WCLS to support water users with the adjudication process. They can show people how to create email addresses and navigate the court’s online e-filing system. They are also able to answer basic questions related to the adjudication.
Contact information
Our adjudication hotline:
- 360-255-4406 — Leave a message and we’ll call you back