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Ecology considers General Permit to control nutrients in Puget Sound

Excess levels of nutrients from human sources are harming Puget Sound. 

Recent rain welcome bonus for water supply

We’ve seen some wet weather across the state in the weeks since drought was declared in a few Central Washington watersheds on April 4.

Watching the water

The water supply forecast continues to deteriorate across the state on both sides of the Cascade Range, and drought is being felt particularly on the Olympic Peninsula.

After 40 years, Acquavella adjudication is coming to close

The upcoming May 9, 2019, "‘water day" in Yakima County Superior Court is one we’ve been working toward for more than 40 years.

Preparing for a bad day: Oil industry practices saving wildlife during a spill

On July 12, 2018, 28 oil handling companies worked with expert contractors to demonstrate how ready they are to care for oiled wildlife, should Washington experience a tragic oil spill.

Irrigation association honors Columbia River office director

Tom Tebb, director of Ecology's Office of Columbia River, received special recognition during the Washington State Water Resources Association (WSWRA) annual conference.

Wood Fiesta: Improving floodplains in Yakima watershed

Dubbed the "Wood Fiesta," large wood is being helicoptered into remote and rugged terrain and placed in streams and floodplains to help improve habitat for native fish species.

New app shows softer side of Puget Sound

Online tool shows examples of Puget Sound beaches where hard shoreline armoring was removed and environmentally-friendly solutions installed.

Cleaning up: Over half of Everett Smelter Site residential yard cleanups done!
We're making progress cleaning up contamination left behind by the former Asarco smelter in northeast Everett.
By managing stormwater, cities and counties are helping to protect Washington’s waters
Reducing stormwater pollution helps prevent toxins from entering the water and harming orca and salmon.