Stormwater general permits

Stormwater is rain and snow melt that runs off surfaces such as rooftops, paved streets, highways, and parking lots. As water runs off these surfaces, it can pick up pollutants that contaminate local water bodies.

We use stormwater permits to limit the amount of pollution that drains into lakes, rivers, and marine waters. The permits are guided by both the federal water pollution permit program and state laws.

Stormwater general permits apply to certain types of facilities that are similar in their processes and type of wastewater produced. See our other general water quality permits that regulate specific categories of discharge, such as boatyards or wineries, which release treated storm/wastewater to either surface or groundwater.

We issue individual water quality permits for one specific entity where discharge characteristics are variable and do not fit a general permit category. Storm water

Learn more about a stormwater general permit


For questions about the interpretation or implementation of the permit, please contact the permit writer identified at the bottom of each permit’s webpage.

Permit administration 

If you need assistance regarding your application, updating permit information, finding or completing permit forms, permit transfers or termination, or drafting public notices please contact the permit administrator for your county. This information is included at the bottom of each permit’s webpage.

Find permit information

Find information on permits in our public Permit and Reporting Information System (PARIS). The information we collect here includes:

  • Permits and application data
  • Compliance and violation data
  • Discharge monitoring reports
  • Inspections and enforcements
  • Discharge locations (outfalls)

Discharge monitoring

Learn how to conduct stormwater monitoring and submit stormwater monitoring data.

Guidance for stormwater permits

For guidance about stormwater permits, see the stormwater guidance page or the municipal stormwater guidance page.

Permit fees

State law (RCW 90.48.465) requires that all permittees pay an annual permit fee based upon the state fiscal year. The state fiscal year begins each year on July 1 and ends on June 30 the following year. Ecology sends permit fee invoices to all permittees annually. Permittees who have permit coverage on or after July 1 will receive a permit fee invoice for coverage during that state fiscal year. If you would like more information on the permit fee process, visit our Permit Fees webpage or contact the Fee Unit at or (800) 633-6193/Option 2.