Construction Stormwater General Permit

Stormwater runoff from construction sites can carry muddy water, debris, and chemicals into local waterways. Sediments, chemicals, and debris can harm aquatic life and reduce water quality.

We require regulated construction sites to get coverage under the Construction Stormwater General Permit. Following the requirements in this permit helps control and reduce water pollution. If water on your construction site is contaminated see this guidance for contaminated water on construction sites.

Operators of regulated construction sites are required to:

  • Develop stormwater pollution-prevention plans.
  • Implement sediment, erosion, and pollution-prevention control measures.
  • Obtain coverage under this permit.

The current permit went into effect on Jan. 1, 2021, and expires on Dec. 31, 2025.

To receive updates about this permit, sign up for our email list.

Permit reissuance

The current permit expires on Dec. 31, 2025. We are in the early stages of reissuing this permit. The permit reissuance process includes gathering early stakeholder input, a formal public comment period on the draft permit, and formal public meetings and hearings. We plan to make a permit reissuance decision at the end of 2025.


Spring - Fall 2024: Gather early input
Spring/Summer 2025: Formal public comment period on the draft permit
Late 2025: Decision on reissuance
December 31, 2025: Current permit expires

Applications and forms

I've got permit coverage. Now what?

Check out our eCoverage packet for more information about your requirements.

Need help implementing the permit?

What do I do with contaminated water?

See contaminated water on construction sites for guidance.

Not finding what you're looking for?

See our regional contacts page to help find a person to answer to your questions.