Technical manuals

We require certain plan holders with contingency plans to have technical manuals, which are planning and training documents that support our understanding of their on-water oil spill response equipment capabilities. We use the technical manuals to inform the five-year Best Achievable Protection (BAP) review cycle. The manuals support our determination that the response systems, training levels, and staffing demonstrate BAP.

Oil spill contingency plan holders are required to submit technical manuals if they operate or transit in Neah Bay, Cathlamet, or San Juan Islands planning standard areas. The technical manual must include all of the equipment appropriate for the operating environment that is necessary to meet the recovery and storage requirements for the worst-case discharge through a 48-hour time frame.

Guidance for creating a technical manual

Examples of manuals that meet the requirement

These manuals are created by contractors or plan holders, and approved by Ecology. We provide them here for educational purposes.

Primary response contractors

Many plan holders do not own equipment and rely entirely on their primary response contractor (PRC) to provide spill response resources. If this is the case, the plan holder may choose to develop a manual that details the equipment assets they can access through their PRC. Or, the PRC can submit the technical manual as an addendum to their PRC application for reference by the plan holder.

If a response contractor submits a technical manual on behalf of their plan holder(s), and lists the plan holder(s) in the manual, they should work with the plan holder(s) to identify relevant information, including oil types covered under the plan and worst case discharge volumes covered under the plan.

Public review and comment

Technical manuals are subject to public review and comment periods.