It’s boating season once again! Clean water is crucial for enjoyable boating. How boaters operate and maintain their vessels can significantly affect the health of Washington's waters.
The Puget Sound No Discharge Zone is part of this. When boaters remember to Pump Out, Don’t Dump Out, they help protect and restore Puget Sound.
We know the vast majority of boaters already practice good stewardship of our waters. What better way to show your support and enthusiasm for healthy waterways than helping us spread the “Pump Out, Don’t Dump Out” message? There are many ways to get involved.
Download the Pumpout Nav App
It is a free iOS and Android app to help you find sewage pumpouts or portable toilet waste stations and the No Discharge Zone boundary. You can also visit the Pumpout Washington website to find pumpout locations.
Join the “I Pumpout Challenge”
Pumpout stations are clean and easy to operate, with nozzles that can adapt to any vessel.
- Snap a photo of yourself pumping out and post it to social media by tagging @EcologyWA with the hashtags #PumpoutWA and #PugetSoundNoDischargeZone. Don't use social media? No problem, email your photos to
- Follow us on social media and join the conversation — Facebook, Twitter, Instagram
Marinas and boat launches are helping, too!
Most marina pumpout stations are easy to access by both tenants and visitors.
We appreciate the enthusiasm of public and private operators of boating facilites in promoting the Pump Out, Don’t Dump Out message and Pumpout Nav app to boaters.
Does your boating facility need resources like No Discharge Zone signs, social media posts, outreach ideas? We are happy to help!
Why it matters
Raw or partially-treated boat sewage is highly concentrated and contains dangerous bacteria and viruses that are harmful to people and the environment. These pathogens impact water quality, beaches and shellfish beds. Eating contaminated shellfish can make people sick. The presence of bacteria and other pathogens can lead to the closure of beaches and shellfish beds that Washingtonians depend on for recreation, food and jobs.
Read our April 2018 blog post to learn more about the No Discharge Zone and how it protects Puget Sound.