Eastern Washington Clean Sites Initiative
Under the Eastern Washington Clean Sites Initiative we partner with communities and other partners to shape cleanup projects that improve local residents’ quality of life. Public funds are used to clean up properties where the responsible party (land user, facility operator, or property owner) couldn't be found or can’t pay cleanup costs.
These sites range from old gas stations where fuel leaked into groundwater, to former mining areas contaminated by cyanide, mercury, and other metals.
We are cleaning up 25 properties in Eastern Washington under this initiative.
Click on a site for more information. You can also download the Clean Sites Initiative spreadsheet.
The community-based approach
The initiative is a community-based effort that fits our priority to reduce toxic threats to people and the environment. We've invested in communities where sites are concentrated so cleanup work can produce a number of benefits at a lower cost.
How are these projects funded?
The Washington Legislature and the Governor committed the resources and funding to clean up abandoned sites and create healthier communities. The money comes from the state’s voter-approved tax on hazardous substances.
Related links
Contact information
Valerie Bound
Central Regional Office
Erika Beresovoy
Eastern Regional Office