The South Lake Union neighborhood is between downtown Seattle and Lake Union. The area has a long history of industrial and commercial activities which contaminated the soil and groundwater. Currently, the area is undergoing extensive redevelopment as new buildings are constructed for commercial and residential use.
With many sites in a small area, contamination from different sources may mix in the groundwater. Also, construction work at one location may impact a nearby site. Ecology is looking at these sites as a whole to make sure that cleanup work will effectively protect people and the environment.
Four environmental studies of cleanup sites (remedial investigations)
Three reports comparing cleanup options (feasibility studies)
Three plans for cleanup (cleanup action plans)
An early partial cleanup of the Seattle Times site (interim action). Workers excavated soils within the property boundary to about 55 feet below the surface, which removed all impacts above the water table.
Four new legal agreements for cleanup work
Previous work
We have already done substantial cleanup construction work in South Lake Union, and completed legal agreements, investigations, and plans necessary for more construction.
Many of the South Lake Union sites did some cleanup work under our Voluntary Cleanup Program before entering into legal agreements with Ecology.
701 Dexter redevelopment
At the 701 Dexter site, workers removed 220 tons of contaminated soil removed and disposed of it off-site.
Interim actions are early partial cleanups. They might help deal with an immediate problem, or help prepare for other cleanup work in the future.
American Linen
Injected over 229,000 gallons of oxidizing treatment fluids into the contamination source area
Over 139,000 tons of contaminated soil and debris removed and disposed of off-site
Injected over 317,000gallons of treatment fluids containing emulsified vegetable oil, both on and off the property, to enhance the biological breakdown of chlorinated solvents
Block 38 West
Removed over 66,000 tons of contaminated soil and disposed of it off-site
Removed two buried bunker fuel tanks
Troy Laundry Interim Action
Removed over 100,000 tons of contaminated soil and disposed of it off-site
Injected about 135,000 pounds of treatment oils to degrade dry-cleaning solvents and petroleum
Since 2012, we have negotiated 7 legal agreements with potentially liable persons for cleanup in South Lake Union. We amend those agreements as cleanup progresses. We’ve amended agreements for these sites three times.
This site had contaminated soil vapor. Workers excavated 220 tons of soil in 2021 and disposed of it off-site. Later investigations found no more contamination requiring cleanup. For more information, see the 701 Dexter webpage or read the 2024 701 Dexter Fact Sheet.
Planned work for 2025
Move from the Contaminated Sites List to the No Further Action Sites List
American Linen
This site has contaminated soil and groundwater from an old laundry facility. It has been partially cleaned up.
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