Fill out an application to apply for the program. If selected, we will contact you. Applications can take up to four weeks to process. Funding is not guaranteed. Please wait to purchase new equipment for the program until your application is approved and you receive a voucher.
Auto shops that use solvent-based degreasers can apply for reimbursement to switch to safer degreasers. Solvent-based degreasers may contain chemicals that are harmful to human health and the environment.
Businesses that make the switch could qualify for reimbursement up to $10,000. Funding is limited and not guaranteed until you receive a reimbursement voucher from your Pollution Prevention Assistance (PPA) representative or us.
Issue reimbursement vouchers to your shop during our initial visit (See Step 1).
Funding is not guaranteed until you receive a reimbursement voucher.
Who is eligible to apply?
Shops and businesses, non-profits, and local governments in Washington that work on motor vehicles intended for use on public roads are eligible to apply if you service at least one of the following:
If your business is selected, what happens next?
If your business is selected to participate, we will contact you to discuss next steps. You can choose to end your participation at any time.
Here are the steps you will go through in order to receive reimbursement:
We will schedule an appointment for a PPA representative or Ecology staff to visit your place of business.
At this visit, we will:
Help you with the rest of the application process.
Provide information about safer alternatives. Based on the products you choose, this will determine the amount of your reimbursement.
Provide you with your reimbursement voucher. Note: Review all eligibility requirements on the voucher.
Perform a walkthrough of your business.
What is the purpose of the walkthrough?
The walkthrough may highlight changes you need to make to how you manage your hazardous waste or stormwater — often minor and inexpensive changes — if you are not already following best management practices.
No enforcement actions will come from participating in the program, unless there is significant harm to the environment or human health.
Review the eligibility requirements on the voucher
To be eligible for reimbursement, you must meet the terms and conditions noted on your voucher, such as:
Have a valid business license.
Not be under environmental enforcement actions.
Properly manage and dispose of your dangerous waste.
Replace your current degreaser with a less-hazardous alternative.
If you currently use:
A solvent-based degreaser, there are many eligible water-based alternatives.
A water-based degreaser, there may be few to no options that qualify as safer. However, you may still be able to find one that qualifies for reimbursement. Reach out to your PPA representative for options.
Purchase the new product(s) and any equipment required. Make sure to purchase the same product as the one listed — sometimes names can be very similar!
Below is a list of products we’ve reviewed for reimbursement eligibility. We do not endorse any manufacturers or products, and we haven't evaluated performance. Our review is based on a product Safety Data Sheet (SDS) and third-party verification like EPA’s Safer Choice program.
If a product isn’t on the list, that doesn’t mean it’s ineligible. Let us know what product you’d like to switch to. We can review it to determine its eligibility and reimbursement level.
Platinum tier products: Reimbursable up to $10,000
We will review the product, and if it meets our eligibility requirements, we will work with you to determine the eligibility tier, then add it to our list of eligible products.
Manufacturers and suppliers do not receive money through this program.
If your product is added to the list, you are welcome to market your products and the program to auto shops.
We assess products for chemical hazards, not performance or cost.
Frequently asked questions
Chemicals in solvent-based degreasers can have short-term health effects like:
Skin rashes
Slowed reactions
Long-term exposure can cause:
Kidney, liver, or nervous system damage.
Increased chance of cancer.
Many solvent-based degreasers are also harmful to the environment and become dangerous waste once the product has been used.
You can apply for reimbursement if you purchased the product after July 1, 2021.
If you purchased the product before July 1, 2021, then you cannot be reimbursed for that product. However, you may be able switch to an even safer product than the one you purchased and be reimbursed for this new product. Reach out to your PPA representative to find out more.
Some examples of expenses we could reimburse you for include:
Refillable canisters to replace aerosol cans.
New parts washer.
Water-based cleaning system.
Service contract to use an eligible product.
If you are approved for the program, we will work with you to determine the products and other expenses you could receive reimbursement for.
We select businesses based on the potential toxics-reduction impact and environmental justice concerns.
We’re offering higher reimbursements for all water-based degreasers because they often have higher initial costs for installation of required parts and equipment. We want to encourage businesses to switch to the safest products possible through this program.
No. You must transition your primary (most-used) degreaser to the safer alternative to receive funding, but we understand you may need small amounts of other cleaners for specific jobs.
Our preferred alternatives are water-based degreasers because they:
Have lower emissions.
Are often less hazardous than solvent-based degreasers.
No. Even though water-based products are generally safer for human health and the environment, they can still be hazardous:
Some water-based cleaners are caustic (i.e. able to burn skin).
Sludge, skimmed oil, filters, and other wastes could designate as dangerous — especially if the water-based cleaner is contaminated with solvents.
No. This reimbursement program is to encourage auto shops to voluntarily make environmentally friendly changes. There is no upcoming law or regulation at the state or federal level that will limit the use of solvents typically found in auto shops.
EPA is evaluating some halogenated solvents, like methylene chloride and perchloroethylene, and could place restrictions on their use. These solvents are not commonly used in auto shops, and there are many solvent-based or water-based replacements on the market.
Información en Español
Instalaciones que usen desengrasantes a base de solvente pueden aplicar para un reembolso para cambiar a desengrasantes más seguros. Desengrasantes a base de solvente pueden contener muchos químicos dañinos a la salud y al ambiente.
Estamos ofreciendo rembolsos de hasta $10,000 para negocios que quieran hacer el cambio.
Instalaciones que usen desengrasantes a base de solvente pueden aplicar para un reembolso para cambiar a desengrasantes más seguros. Desengrasantes a base de solvente pueden contener muchos químicos dañinos a la salud y al ambiente.
Estamos ofreciendo rembolsos de hasta $10,000 para negocios que quieran hacer el cambio.
We offer free language services about our programs and services for people whose primary language is not English. We can provide written information in your preferred language and interpreters in person or over the telephone.