Participating counties are required to establish a baseline to monitor VSP activities and implementation, stewardship activities, and the effects on critical areas and agriculture relevant to the benchmarks developed for the watershed. This task can be accomplished by creating maps that can be queried and analyzed using Geographic Information System (GIS) technology. We have links below to our digital data for creating maps for critical areas:
Each dataset has specific limitations in regard to accuracy and use. It is important to read the limitations described for each data set and understand their deficiencies before using the data. We recommend you periodically check this web site for updates as the VSP counties planning process proceeds.
The statutory date for identifying the baseline was July 22, 2011, and not all data are available in that year. VSP counties will likely use the best available data to establish a baseline.
Some counties have limited GIS capabilities. The Washington State Department of Agriculture may be able to assist counties by creating GIS maps displaying the intersection of agricultural lands, streams, other water bodies (hydrography), and wetlands.
To request the creation of GIS maps, please contact:
Perry Beale
Washington Department of Agriculture
Our agency’s work to achieve clean water and a strong agricultural economy can be complemented by the Voluntary Stewardship Program. We have the responsibility to ensure Washington’s waters meet standards that support beneficial uses for people, fish, and wildlife.
The federal Clean Water Act and the state Water Pollution Control Act provide a backstop for the Voluntary Stewardship Program framework. Under state law, landowners have a responsibility to prevent pollution from being discharged to state waters. Our goal is to collaborate with landowners to find ways to meet those water quality requirements, and if necessary, help landowners make changes that fully protect water quality.
While we have enforcement authority to protect water quality, we work hard to help landowners take advantage of available technical assistance, and financial incentives.
Additionally, we can identify clean water plans, also called Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs), that have been prepared for specific water bodies or watersheds that should be considered during VSP development. These plans and their associated studies can help inform VSP work groups as they work to develop plans to protect and restore critical areas.
Clean water standards resources
Ben Rau
We also oversee the Shoreline Management Act (SMA). Many floodplain areas where agricultural activities and critical areas intersect are shorelines of the state as defined by the SMA. In recent years, counties and cities across the state have completed or are completing updates of their Shoreline Master Programs (SMPs).
Data and maps developed for these updates may be useful resources for a VSP. In addition, VSPs can complement SMPs in achieving objectives for protecting and sustaining shoreline uses. Factors include the following:
- For existing agriculture, the SMA relies on non-regulatory measures. The statute does not allow county SMPs to require modification of or limit existing agricultural activities on agricultural lands.
- SMPs apply to agriculture when new land is brought into production, which is relatively rare, or when a new development is added. For example, a new barn within shoreline jurisdiction may require a shoreline permit.
- There is no need to incorporate a VSP work plan into a local SMP.
- VSP is a voluntary program; a VSP work plan may address areas inside or outside of shoreline jurisdiction.
Shoreline management resources
Misty Blair
Other information resources provided by us or other agencies may be helpful when planning and implementing a VSP in participating counties. These include LIDAR (Washington Department of Natural Resources) and High Resolution Change Detection (Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife).