Supporting communities
In June we announced $216 million in grants and loans for projects that improve water quality for communities across the state. After reviewing our funds, we determined that there is an additional $10 million available to fund 22 more stormwater projects.
With the new funding, we’re now awarding nearly $227 million in financial assistance for 100 high-priority clean water projects that could support more than 2,500 jobs.
Stormwater projects
Our stormwater funding covers a wide variety of projects that help reduce pollution in stormwater from reaching Washington's waterways. Here are a few of the stormwater projects that were awarded funding this year.
City of Republic
We're offering the City of Republic a $32,000 loan for stormwater management planning. Stormwater in Republic’s President’s Bowl area discharges to the city’s sewer system, overloading the wastewater treatment plant with flows exceeding plant permitted capacity by nearly five times. This project will evaluate and determine improvements to prevent overflows that could discharge raw sewage to the Sanpoil River.
Clarks Creek in Puyallup
City of Puyallup
We're offering the City of Puyallup in Pierce County a $653,000 grant to reconstruct 1,200 feet of existing roadway and sidewalk using permeable pavement. The City’s current facility is undersized and not connected to the City’s sewer system. The reconstruction will result in an overall reduction of polluted stormwater runoff to Clarks Creek, a federally recognized impaired waterbody and home to three federally listed species of salmon.
City of Roslyn
We’re offering the City of Rosyln in Kittitas County a $156,984 grant to develop a plan for reducing stormwater impacts to Crystal Creek, an impaired waterbody. The project will evaluate options for low impact development and best management practices to guide future design and implementation of capital improvement projects to improve water quality.
City of Marysville
We're offering the City of Marysville in Snohomish County a $2.3 million grant to improve water quality in Ebey Slough (a tributary to the Snohomish River estuary) to install what is called “green infrastructure.” This will mimic the natural environment at both 2nd Street and Cedar Avenue to help reduce fine particles, oils, copper, zinc, and phosphorus from reaching waterways, as well as reducing flows.
Want to apply for 2022 funding?
We're accepting applications for the next group of projects until 5 p.m. on October 13, 2020.
Community members gather to see water flow into the Padden Creek channel project funded by the water quality combined fund program.
Attend an online workshop
We're holding our annual workshops to provide infomation about the funding program and the application process for anyone who might be interested in applying to receive funding. There is no cost to attend.
The password when registering for each of the webinars is FMS.
Wastewater projects
Aug. 25, 2020, 9 a.m. to 12 p.m., Register for the webinar
Nonpoint/onsite sewage systems projects
Aug. 26, 2020, 9 a.m. to 12 p.m., Register for the webinar
Stormwater projects
Aug. 27, 2020, 9 a.m. to 12 p.m., Register for the webinar
Read the funding guidelines for specific information on eligibility requirements, activities to be performed, award amounts, program duration, and laws and regulations that apply to these activities.