Businesses may accumulate dangerous waste on-site for a certain length of time. The amount of time and quantity of dangerous waste you can accumulate depends on your generator category and where you store the waste. The waste must be in appropriate containers and stored correctly.
Learn more about the different types of accumulation storage areas:
Ensure you schedule enough time for your waste service provider to pick up your waste. They must pick up your waste before you exceed one of the following (whichever comes first):
If you have wastes on-site for longer than your accumulation time limit you are subject to the permitted facilities requirements. Contact your region office.
Medium and large quantity generators can, under rare circumstances, apply for an extension before their time limit expires. If your facility might exceed the time limit and is unable to ship dangerous wastes:
Contact your region office before you exceed your time limit. Ask for a dangerous waste compliance inspector.
We issue extensions on a case-by-case basis. Please provide us with the following information:
Number and size of containers approaching the 90- or 180-day accumulation time limit.
General description of the waste.
Accumulation start date of the waste.
Specific location (accumulation area) of the waste.
Documentation of the efforts you have made to schedule waste pickup.
Explanation as to why the dangerous waste must remain on-site due to unforeseen, temporary, and uncontrollable circumstances.
Copy of the most recent weekly inspection log.
Name and phone number for the on-site emergency coordinator.
After we complete our review, we will notify you of our decision.
Satellite accumulation allows medium and large quantity generators to hold a certain amount of dangerous waste at or near the point of generation for longer than 90 or 180 days. It allows these facilities to do this without the need for a dangerous waste storage permit.
Medium and large quantity generators can have:
Multiple satellite accumulation areas (SAAs) across the site.
No more than 55 gallons of dangerous waste, or one quart (2.2 pounds) of acutely hazardous waste, in an SAA at any time.
How do you manage a satellite accumulation area?
Satellite accumulation areas must be under the control of the worker or secured at all times.
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