Print free labels

labeling dangerous waste icon
Businesses that need to label their dangerous waste can print them for free from this webpage. We have labels you can use to identify dangerous waste characteristics, hazardous waste shipping labels, universal waste labels, and other common dangerous wastes.

Click on a label from the categories below to enlarge it and then print. You may need to adjust your print settings to make the text large enough to meet label size requirements:

  • Hazard labels must be visible from 25 feet away,
  • The letter size must be at least 0.5 (half) inch tall.

Dangerous waste hazard labels

These labels communicate the risks associated with your waste. More than one risk may apply to the same waste. Learn more about dangerous waste characteristics (hazards).

Other dangerous waste hazard labels

Hazardous or non-hazardous

Use the labels below to identify if a waste is hazardous or non-hazardous. If you use the hazardous waste label, be sure to apply additional hazard labels or markings.

Universal waste labels

Use these labels to identify waste you plan to manage as universal waste (batteries, lamps, mercury-containing equipment, or mercury thermostats).

Used oil and antifreeze labels

Use these labels to identify used oil, used oil filters, and spent antifreeze.

Miscellaneous types of dangerous waste labels

Labeling systems

Some other labeling systems may be used if they clearly convey the hazard(s) associated with the waste:

Note: Not all of these labels will meet the requirements of the Dangerous Waste Regulations.

Contact your regional inspector if you are unsure.