Our operating budget for the 2021-23 Biennium includes significant new investments that will:
- Implement the Governor's proposed Climate Commitment Act and Clean Transportation Fuel Standards.
- Advance Environmental Justice and Title VI compliance.
- Address federal rollbacks and recent court rulings affecting state water quality and the commercial shellfish industry.
- Support our communities through expanded product testing, water right adjudications, new grant funding to prevent violations of federal clean air standards, reduced flood risks and improved long-term planning for such risks, and solid waste planning and cleanup.
- Improve water quality and provide additional capacity for water cleanup plans.
- Support legal costs related to current and pending litigation.
- Fund key facility and information technology needs.
- Continue implementing enacted legislation from the 2019 and 2020 sessions aimed at greenhouse gas emission reductions, safer consumer products, and sustainable recycling.
- Help meet Hanford permit and cleanup obligations with the U.S. Department of Energy.
- Implement shifts needed to better align ongoing work with the best fund sources and budget options available.
Total Appropriation = $666.7 million
FTEs = 1,856.7
Our 2021-23 capital budget will work to protect the environment and public health and support economic growth and jobs. This budget is supported by dedicated environmental funds, federal dollars, and state bonds for projects throughout the state that:
- Improve water quality.
- Clean up and prevent toxic sites.
- Deliver water for fish, farms, and people.
- Address flood hazards and restore riparian habitat.
- Protect and restore Puget Sound.
- Address air toxics.
- Address local environmental and public health priorities.
- Protect and restore Ecology-owned facilities.
- Create jobs.
Total capital budget authority = $2.1 billion