Our operating budget for 2023-25 includes funding and resources for:
- Continued implementation of the Climate Commitment Act and Clean Fuel Standard.
- Support for recommended priorities and actions from the Governor’s 2021 salmon strategy update and State/Tribal Riparian Protection & Restoration Workgroup needed to better monitor the health of our riparian buffers and protect salmon.
- Improving water quality through timely issuance of municipal wastewater and industrial discharge permits, implementing water quality cleanup plans and best management practices to reduce nonpoint pollution, and mitigating toxic chemicals in stormwater runoff from industrial and contaminated sites.
- Assisting local communities with environmental issues, including coastal climate hazards and resiliency, flood risks, drought, contaminated drinking water, toxic site cleanup, water right adjudications, and the impacts of solid waste and litter accumulation.
- Implementing legislation that passed in 2023, including funding to multiple agencies for permitting, siting, and developing clean energy projects.
- Key information technology enhancements to ensure Ecology can continue to pass funding through to local communities for environmental and public health projects and improve data collection and reporting on hazardous waste generation, toxic chemicals in consumer products, water quality permits, and wastewater treatment plant operator certifications.
Total appropriation = $862.6 million
FTEs = 2,136.5
Our 2023-25 capital budget includes new funding and makes significant investments to protect and improve environmental and human health across the state that will:
- Promote local economic development through cleaning up contaminated sites for redevelopment.
- Improve water quality.
- Reduce air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions.
- Deliver water for fish, farms, and people.
- Address local environmental and public health priorities.
- Protect, restore, and enhance state owned facilities.
- Create jobs.
Total capital budget authority = $2.96 billion