Bench sheets and control charts for labs
Small wastewater treatment plant laboratories are a special group of labs we accredit.
Standard spreadsheets and templates can help provide quality control for data collection. They also help with visually tracking performance. Labs may find and download quality-control spreadsheet templates as a way to standardize collection methods. Bench sheets are available for several analysis methods.
Control charts are a way to visually track performance to determine when a procedure is not meeting data-quality objectives. These spreadsheet templates automate the construction and use of these charts.
Bench sheet templates help check data quality
Labs may customize these downloadable bench-sheet templates for their purposes. Print the blank worksheet to copy values, then open up the spreadsheet to enter them. Bench sheets are available for several analysis methods.
- Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) — bottle method
- pH for Standard Method 4500 H+B pH analysis
- Fecal coliform for FC Standard Method 9222D analysis
- Total suspended solids (TSS)
Control Charts track analytical performance
Troubleshooting chart for Glucose/Glutamic Acid and commercial seed used for the BOD test
Control charting is a way to visually track performance to determine when a procedure is not meeting data-quality objectives. Analysts can identify procedural problems by using control charts. When problems are indicated, the analyst can pause to find solutions, eliminate the source of the problem, and prevent the out-of-control situation. Spreadsheet files automate the construction and use of these charts.
- Control charts for labs is a spreadsheet tool with templates and instructions for both a standard-solution control test and one that uses duplicate solutions.
- Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) and carbonaceous BOD (CBOD), is a publication with a good explanation and example of the use of control charting in Appendix E, Water and Wastewater (pdf).
Oxygen quality control worksheet guides SM 5210-B
Standard Method 5210-B BOD quality control troubleshooting worksheet offers guidance for Standard Method 5210-B, five-day BOD analysis. Includes troubleshooting chart and key.
Contact information
Rebecca Wood
Laboratory Accreditation Unit Supervisor